What happens when few old friends decide to do a reunion after more than 10 years? The right answer would be that they would meet happily running towards one another, arms wide open in Jim Corbett. But no, thats not how it happens.
The planning is the key here. 5 ways to plan a reunion (blog inside a blog)

Create a group on whatsapp and discuss the idea. Face skepticism as all of the friends or most of the friends are now married and have kids. Being persistent is the key here.
Throw ideas of impossible places you all want to visit. Eventually, keeping in mind the schedule of friends flying from abroad, kids exams, weather predictions, health concerns and job schedules you decide a place closer to every one or most of them. Oh one missed piece of information: this place should be new for everyone.
Make final bookings way in advance and hope that every one will show up at the designated time, months later.
Visit the group talk often to keep the talk going and be ready for the plans or people to drop out. Remember persistence?
Finally the day comes, be prepared for everything to go against the plan like missed flights, urgent engagements which cant be missed, delivery of a smaller car, kid’s fever, husband’s diarrhea, your diarrhea, missed bookings and what not. But the key is? Yes, Persistence.
This is somewhat the story of our planning when we all decided to finally meet together for a trip . Of course, Jim Corbett was the option we zeroed at. I was surprised that I had never been to this place till now even when everyone around me seemed to have been there at least once in their lives. But our time was finally here.
Travelling to Jim Corbett from Delhi
The best way to travel to Jim Corbett via Delhi is by road. For further idea on how to reach there please visit – https://www.corbettnationalpark.in/how-to-reach-jim-corbett-park.htm
Anyhow, I feel road trip with friends is the best way to travel. You can make insane jokes, tease one another, talk about things you haven’t spoken about in years, describe game of thrones to that one friend who lived under the rock for last 8 years and of course click silly pictures.
What are the best attractions in Jim Corbett?
What can I possibly write here what haven’t been written already ? It seems like you know atleast 1 friend/ colleague/ neighbor who has visited Corbett. Still I will give my 2 cents here for all those who chose to read this blog. Btw Thank You…
1) Once upon a time there was a tigress named Sharmili who used to live in Jim Corbett Forrest. She would often appear in front of those who really looked for her in the jungle. But lately she has not been visible and some have started to believe that she might not be with us any more. But I wish to believe that she has found her mate after a long time of loneliness as lets face it, Sharmili is an introvert and hence she chose to remain secluded and would only appear in front of people she felt safe around. So, since we never saw her, I want to believe that she is fine and is enjoying her life with lot of luster. But don’t loose heart yet as there are many such stories alive in the jungles of Jim Corbett and you only have to ask your guide when you go there.
2) Sometimes, you will end up seeing beautiful heard of mountain goats crossing the road. Or maybe a tiger resting and wagging its tail right in front of your car on the main road. For all these mysterious encounters, I strongly urge you to keep your camera ready at ALL TIMES.
3)The roads leading to the jungle is beautiful so enjoy it and might I suggest, play Prateek kuhad or Eddie Wedder in the car.
4)The food choices are minimal throughout the available resorts but do you really not enjoy the fresh air, monkey outside the windows, fresh produce and simplicity? Did you say no? Ummmm , then maybe look for a 5 start property there or don’t go there dude.
5)The most and final tip of surviving the experience is to be okay with the fact that you might not see the tiger. Well, not all of us are linked to Prime Minister Modi or Bear grylls to have the licence to go on foot in the jungle. So, rest of us have to stay on the vehicle at all times. And just wait for one mighty roaring tiger to come out of his or her secrecy. Until then, we stay on the vehicle, eyes locked at the dense bushes, keeping so quiet that we can hear breathing of those around us, and wait. Wait for one to appear and in that process you might end up doing a lot of eye focus exercises. Its damn adventurous, even when you don’t see anything as you never know, from which angle what might come.
With that last point, I finish by short story of not been able to meet Sharmili but wish you go there and have a wonderful time. If you do meet Sharmili then give my regards. Check more blogs at https://sheetalpawar.com/