Here's why you should take the next trip with your mum

31st Oct 2017

Credits: pinterest

Photo of Here's why you should take the next trip with your mum by Noor
Day 1


Solo tripping is the new fad and yes, when you are young you do get to travel with your buddies. But I suggest you give holiday-ing with your mum a try. If I talk about my mum, we disagree on the tiniest things; she's an extrovert and I am the textbook definition of an introvert; She loves nature, I love monuments ; she's definitely wise and I am way too impulsive but inspite of our differences I love to take a vacation with my mom. I think I acquired the travel gene from her. She knows how to travel and she definitely does it well. Here's why you should consider traveling with your mother the next time:

1. It Will Take your Bonding to a New level:

As you have turned into a swan, your mum too has grown. She too has reached her mid life and things are changing around her too. Be it her physical self or the empty nest syndrome, she too has encountered a different set of challenges. This vacation time is a great time to catch up, gossip about those distant cringing relatives and share with her your dose of life.

2. She is a Perfect Financial Advisor:

Momma bears always know the best when it comes to finances. She get the best bargain for that Tibetan shawl in the market and she'll meticulously plan your trip. Isn't that great.

3. She makes a Perfect Shopping Companion:

Mum's definitely know what suits us the best and they love to shop with us. It's our way of showing that their opinions are still relevant in our lives and they are valued.

4. You'll Explore her Hidden Traits:

Our mum's weren't always our mum's. Before they became our mums, they were fashionistas or rebels or explorers or something. Believe it or not, our mums did give up certain things they loved just to make time for us. And now, you can unleash these hidden traits of hers while traveling. I did not know my mother had a flair for history. It was during our Delhi trip, I realised how she knew every monument impeccably and had more information ready than any guide there.

5. She'll be a perfect Calm-o-meter:

When things go wrong, mummies take over. I remember this particular incident when we realized that a creepy stranger had been following us the entire day. Instead of panicking, my mum made us take the alternate route and we were successful in evading the stranger.

5. Time is limited:

I hate when I say that we all have limited time. We are gonna get married, have our own kids, be occupied with our jobs and ten other things. This is what we have on our hands. And use this time to make beautiful beautiful memories.

6. Watch your Mum Experience Something New:

Ever seen a baby roll over for the first time. Isn't it the most amazing thing. We are all in awe of babies learning new things. But this excitement is true for a person of any age. The first time my mum saw snow, was this year and she was giggling like a baby and telling every other person around. I'll never forget that joy. That moment is worth every thing.

7. It's Payback Time:

Actions speak louder than words. Today, when we are so caught up in the daily humdrum of our routines, this might be a great way to say 'I care' or 'I love you'.

I would like to hear from you about a perfect 'Mom and Me' Moment.