Absolutely loved going to Hauz Khas Village. Although,most people go there to visit the high end boutiques and swish restaurants,but I wanted to explore the historical monuments hidden behind the glamorous shops. After navigating through the alleyways with bright and expensive shops on both sides,I reached the Archeological Survey of India protected site of Hauz Khas.
The royal tank or Hauz Khas,was built more than 700 years back by Alauddin Khilji. And,it's still there. The place is usually crawling with young couples, being chased by security guards trying to keep them civil. The water body is surrounded by beautiful monuments. The tomb of Firoz Shah Tughlaq is the most important. It's in the corner of the complex. There are ruins of madarsa, school for religious education. Also there are many canopies or chattris surrounded by trees and greenery. Firoz Tughlaq's tomb and most other sites are more than seven centuries old,and one feels transported into another era while walking through those buildings. Also,as you enter the Hauz Khas Village area, you see a few Lodi era heritage structures like Barakhamba,Sakri Gumti and Chhoti Gumti. Most of them have been well preserved by the authorities and worth a visit for sure.Another unknown gem is the milky white Jagannath temple. It's a lovely, understated and largely unsung temple depicting the extraordinary artisanship of Orissa. A must visit to gaze at the intricate temple art.
The unique feature of this locality is the juxtaposition of the old with the modern. It's one of a kind place where past and present happily coexist. When you are inside the heritage zone you feel transported back into history and as soon as you step out of it you are immediately face to face with all the trendy,swish and upscale modernity. As the pan wallah told me, 'Sir, this is Delhi's Goa,people come here to see other people and to blow up money'. That is the irresistible charm of HKV as it's fondly known amongst the youth. It's this heady cocktail which acts as a magnet, pulling crowds towards itself,time and again.