For once, I lived like a hippie woman for a year and this is what I gathered:
What we think today might not be what and who we are tomorrow. I gave a chance to myself to see everything again, starting from scratch. Since I was a little
girl there was a lot I was told about what I wasn't supposed to do. As a hipster woman, I could defy all those rules and see what was there in the world for me.
The sky looked new every day.
There have been so many overwhelming things that kept happening to me since I thought of vacating the house in Delhi and stepping out. I believe I also wanted to step out of the person I was becoming, every day, waking up in a room that had no sunlight sneaking through a decent window.
When I left, I had no idea where that window seat in a general compartment was going to take me. I'm still not sure where all of this is going. I remember, there was this time, I would crave a place where I could seek wholesomeness, totality, where I could feel home, and feel both my feet inside. However, I met travellers who would say, 'home is, just where you are, it's not as distant as we make it. It made sense, however, this anecdote isn't for elaborating on the idea of home. I just wanted to talk about what it takes to unravel unchartered territories.
Every day, I was challenged. A woman, out there in the wild, roaming freely, finding roofs to hide away from the sky. For a very long period, I didn't choose to look back, I was only passing roads, every time, new. I didn't want to stop, felt like I was hungry to breathe air that smelt of freedom. Never in my life had I felt so free, as I did during those days.
Well, here's what I have to share with you:
A lot of us would say, "if travelling was for free, you won't see me in the same place again". Well, you can make it, if I could.
One just needs to know why they want to travel, for the sake of it? Or if they want to know the paths that they're going to uncover, to know who they can be.
A path that you will choose all by yourself will change you, for the good.
If you are ready for a change, then start applying for volunteering positions, and yes, another tip, don't volunteer for too long.
Don't get tempted by the idea of settling down in the mountains. It's a dainty idea, however, give it some more time, some more thought.
Oh yes, again- you might feel lost sometimes. Not on the path, but about where and how is all of this going to make sense, well, in that case, sit back with a notebook and write down what your heart wants. Always listen to your gut, it's mostly right.
It's important to know what you are up to while moving from one place to another, even if the world finds you clueless. Not that I always knew what I was doing, where I was going. Those days, I was living the life I had always dreamt of as a little girl. Also, when you are absolutely free, you tend to make mistakes. I made many and forgave myself, you also should. And then what, walk towards the new ones?
Well, the purpose of writing this is pretty simple, if someone like me could lift a heavy backpack for days and nights, travelling from one village to another, one town to a hill, and that too for free, why can't you?