I think Skydiving is a Bucket-list item for many travellers. It was mine and I crossed it off spectacularly off my list by doing it from Freaking 17,000 ft and looking at the view of Annapurna Base range. It was breathtaking experience.
Trip Details :
It happens in Pokhara and it is conducted only once a year during the time of Nov 18-24th and we have a Organization called GoBeeepBeep who organize these jumps. They provide you with 5day stay(1 day in Khatmandu + 4 day in Pokhara) and subject to weather conditions you'll get your chance and for sure it's going to be a lovely trip including many adventures you can do during this trip. This Organization has a special permission from Nepal Govt for this Skydiving and we get Tandem Jumpers all over the world who are very renowned and some of them are Guinness Record holders. PFA the video of my tandem jump as well.