Waterscape Retreat is located at Girnare,on the banks of backwaters of gangapur dam Nashik.
Nearest bus and railways station is Nashik road station/Nashik bus stand. Ola & Uber is available from both the place to waterscape Retreat. The total travel distance is around 32Km you might spend around 700-900 rs one side for the Ola Uber drop.
The property is run by two seperate management.Accomodation has a seperate management and the same is for resturant.The property is situated at the heart of nature and has a rawness to the surroundings.
The accomodation has cottage & Pipe rooms. The cost is around 6000-7000k for the stay and breakfast.The cottage rooms have decent space,pipe rooms are however less on space. The rooms and toilets are clean. The staff is very coperative.
Restaurant is open from 9am-11pm, food is good 3out of 5 stars. The food is ala carte and chargeable cost shall be around 1000 for 2 people for one meal.
Apart from the swiming pool there are no activity in the property if you have your own vehicle vineyards/ boat activities are 7-8 km from the retreat. Others can just enjoy the calm and oeace of the place.
Note- If you visit in rainy season expect flies and mosquitos as the place is close to nature.The place does not have repeat value except for the location the location is the major USP