Our 1st day trip to jungle safari - rajgir jungle safari, bihar. Surrounded with mountains, jungle, greenery & peaceful view.. There is museum, 3D theatre, children park, cafeteria with peaceful view.. It's entry fee is 250rs . Every person or group get there time slot for safari. You can go 1-2 hr before the time, so you enjoy there.

Our 2nd trip - we enjoy horse cart ride. Then we went to GHODA KATORA. Ghoda katora is beautiful place, surrounded with mountains, jungle, trees with epic views. From entrance to location is around 6.5 km distance, which you can travel from electronic rickshaw. These are government authorised. No other public or private vehicles allowed inside the place. There is pokhara with big statue of buddha which is located inside the water. You can enjoy boating, small cafeteria, eco park & can do photography with beautiful view.
Next, we visited shanti stupa which was on the peak. You can go there through trek Or rope way. Place is beautiful, peaceful & eyeconic.
After that we visited ruins of nalanda university - nalanda khandhar. A beautiful, historical place which ruined still beautiful, kept alot history & secret inside it.. A beautiful place to visit... Worthing
Visit bihar, you will lost in its beauty.... nal