Amboselli- a plethora of natural beauty

14th Aug 2015

The magnificent mount Kilimanjaro, better known as the 'roof top of Africa'

Photo of Amboselli- a plethora of natural beauty by Sweta Chakraborty
Day 1

African continent is a place of immense resources; starting from mineral reserve, floriculture and ending in tourism industry, Africa is the most happening place in the world presently. I stay in Kenya since the last five years and I am a voracious traveler. Whenever I chance upon a holiday, I pack my bags and set off for the next adventure. This time my target was Amboseli, a national reserve which is a 4 hour drive from Nairobi. Situated at 230 km south of Nairobi, a reserve forest 8,000 sq. kms. , bordering Tanzania - Amboselli had attracted huge number of foreign and domestic tourists every year. But a trip to the place had actually revealed the beauty and the ambiance- a reason why travelers call it the 'homeland of the wild animals'.

Entrance to the Amboseli National park

Photo of Amboseli National Park, Kenya by Sweta Chakraborty

I started early in the morning so that I could actually reach the place before lunch hours. Amboseli offers a wide range of hotels suiting your budget. Starting from lavish 5 star hotels and ending in tented camps - you may choose any accommodation depending on your affordability and comfort. The rates of hotel and other accommodation are highly seasonal. A non -resident is charged 90 $ per night while a resident is charged 1200 KSH. Charges for children and students are lower. The car parking charges are generally done in US dollars or Safari card.

The hotel faced the game park, awesome hospitality.

Photo of Amboselli- a plethora of natural beauty by Sweta Chakraborty

The entry into the hotel was a 'great feel'. The rustic décor and arrangement will give you a real 'wild life 'ambiance. Generally hotels have electric fencing thereby allowing you a full view of the jungle and your eyes will follow miles before you see herbivores grazing near the hotel area. This is an enthralling experience.

The mighty Kilimanjaro

Photo of Amboseli National Park, Kenya by Sweta Chakraborty

After having an awesome lunch we proceeded towards our first game drive at 4 in afternoon. The first view that enthralled was the mighty Kilimanjaro. I had goose bumps viewing the highest peak. It was like viewing the rooftop of Africa. We climbed a small hill from where we had the best view of the highest peak. With buffalo skulls all around as a part of the décor, we had a feel that this must be a challenging place. We came down to board the car while other travelers preferred to have their tea and snacks at the hill top.


Photo of Amboselli- a plethora of natural beauty by Sweta Chakraborty

African elephant

Photo of Amboseli National Park, Kenya by Sweta Chakraborty

Flight of birds return home at dusk

Photo of Amboseli National Park, Kenya by Sweta Chakraborty

Impala are too much attractive

Photo of Amboseli National Park, Kenya by Sweta Chakraborty

We saw various herbivores- impala, giraffe, hippos, wildebeest, zebra and elephant. The number of elephants in Amboselli is quite plenty. There is an elephant research centre which conducts various researches on elephants and emphasize towards a better future of the beautiful animals.

Day 2

A pack of lions were seen tearing up a prey.

Photo of Amboseli National Park, Kenya by Sweta Chakraborty

Amboselli is said to be the shelter of 400 species of birds. We were not so lucky to see all the types. Our eyes caught - Africa sacred Ibise, Ostrich, Ardea and White pelican. Various migratory birds too are seen seasonally. We observed a scintillating view of the sunset and recorded every moment of it. Nowhere in the world can a sunset be so beautiful and serene. The chirping of birds and returning of animals were clearly observed.

Myth of the setting sun @ Amboseli National park

Photo of Amboseli National Park, Kenya by Sweta Chakraborty

It's mandatory to reach hotel and camps by 6:30 evening. We had a nice time in the hotel and slept comfortably. Early next morning I was enthralled to see the full view of Kilimanjaro from the hotel. Mount Kilimanjaro is seen best during the morning hours and evening hours before sunset.

When we were set for the game drive for the next day we were lucky to see a group of lions who were finishing off a zebra, the lioness killed for the family. We stopped and took photographs as the lions nibbled through the meat. Lions happen to be a lazy animal and feed on zebra, wildebeest. The habit and habitat of the animals were explained to us by the guide. We were lucky to see a python.

We drove elsewhere where our eyes caught the sight of wild boar, hyena and buffalo. We were not lucky to view a cheetah. A cheetah is said to be a very active animal and runs after gazelle for prey. We saw hyenas and vultures waiting to finish off the rest of the meat after the lion family. Lions are generally social animals and prefer to stay in groups. The kids are cared by the lioness and she hunts prey for the family. The male lion prefers to get the first share of the meat followed by the lioness and the cubs.

Day 3

Masai people are always happy to pose

Photo of Ol Tukai Lodge, Kenya by Sweta Chakraborty

The Masai are an inevitable part and a good attraction to the tourists. They will invite the guests and give a glimpse of their culture. Various artifacts and souvenirs sold by them can be a good gift item to a person you love.

The flora in Amboseli is savannah grassland type which consists of rolling grassland and swampy marshy lands. Amboseli was established in 1968 and was gazetted as a National reserve in 1974 by the Kenyan Government.

Amboseli which means 'salty dust' is the remains of the volcanic ash that resulted 360,000 years before when the Mount Kilimanjaro erupted last. If you are fond of bird watching, camping, , wildlife viewing, photo graphing or watching the mighty Kilimanjaro then Amboseli will be the most desired place of your choice.

I will simply not forget the serene flora, enchanting animals and lastly the majestic view of Mount Kilimanjaro. The awesome hospitality is not to be forgotten. Kenya is loved for a number of reasons and tourism will always remain a priority.