Mysterious Island


Journey Continues..For Exploration....

Adventure always triggers you to get into any place worthwhile to visit. A Mysterious Island. Hillocks, green fields, water bodies, temple and panoramic view, amazing right guys?. The place is just 200 kms only from Hyderabad. Who doesn't want or wish to be there for a weekend. It would a really stress relief and splendid experience. Guys let's dig into this place more... ;).

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lord shiva temple at mysterious island

Why people call it as Mysterious Island:

When people hear a word mystery, will think that there would be a some kind of hidden, undefined, or unknown, and not yet analysed theory behind it. It's like may be some legend or unspoken story behind that place. When I first heard of the name mysterious, I was wondering what makes this place called so mysterious, what is there and what makes it special. I was lost in thoughts, like what would be the mystery behind the wheel.

I don't know the mystery behind the place, but when I saw the place, I realized mysterious formation of the hillocks and a temple over the place, and no livelihood surroundings like no flowery environment at this time, totally like a barren island; this different atmosphere makes that place so mysterious. People call it with name as Yelleswaragattu Island.

Interested in knowing more about such wonder place, I will take you there through my beautiful experiences which I realized through this blog post. I know you are curious to explore the place...Andiamo (Let's go )....

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sunrise view

Wonderful scenario from the top of the hill

A small story and glimpses of the place:

mysterious island surrounded by back waters of Nagarjunasagar , there is a temple on the top of the hill and sunrise coming behind that temple makes you feel astonishing. There is another temple also, which is very old and both the temples belongs to lord Shiva only. The view from the top, where you have a temple, surrounded by water bodies changing colors with sunshine. The fresh air, sunrise and sunset are worth watching from this point.

Hyderabad to Mysterious Island:

We started around 4 AM at home, reached MGBS to catch a bus to Devarakonda, around 5.30. it was a fun journey, The whole group was full of excitement and jumping to kick start the journey, we reached Devarakonda around 7.30 AM, we had breakfast at Udipi hotel, we decided to get all the essentials for cooking at campsite as we had some time before we boarded the next bus to kambalapalli ( Dvevarakonda-Pogilla) which starts at 9 AM, journey was too exciting, it was January, children had vacation for SANKRANTHI festival (one of Hindu festival), bus was filled with school kids, and the village bus ride with joyful kids was funny and relishing.

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All together, a memorable time, my team

Experiences encountered in the trip:

Kambalapally, is a small village in Devarakonda, Agriculture is the primary livelihood, as i heard this place is a Naxal-infested area, we saw Nallamala hills through out journey, we reached Kambalapally around 12 PM. A family in the village, prepared lunch for us. the hike to Nagarajunasagar lake usually take 1 hour, but it took us 2 hours to reach as we explored to savor the beauty around.

We reached lake around 3 PM, If i remember well, boat was waiting for us, to drop us at mysterious island (Yelleswara gattu). We got into the boat. The water was clean and pure that one can drink. I splashed water on my face, which made me feel relaxing after sunny trek. finally we reached mystery hill by 4 PM.

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on boat, way to the mysterious island
Photo of Mysterious Island 5/11 by Sindhu Chandra
boarding time ;)

Who is not fond of water, I love to play with water. we took some time to fresh up, mean while our group members started discussing about dinner plan at 4 PM itself, why? cause we have to cook dinner near the river and later hike to summit for night halt. Girls started cutting veggies, few guys had been to collect wood for cooking, few were washing dishes and veggies while others gathered water for cooking. we carried all the ingredients and dishes that are required for cooking.

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on the banks of Nagarjunasagar lake

So, Whats in menu for dinner? curious, me too ;). I was wondering what these people are going to prepare?. Its plain rice, chicken curry, and Kichidi (made with rice and moong dal: green gram), this is for vegetarians. Our chefs Srikanth siddie and Shariq started cooking, mean while, everyone was busy in their own world, but our joker Esha started her show, everyone slowly gathered to listen to her jokes and it went up for 2 hours, we lost our self in that fun world, it wasn't a full moon day but partially, moon coming out of the hills, making shadow reflecting on the water, was amazing.

Its time for dinner, we carried our own plate or bowl and spoon to eat. food was yummy. Having dinner with best friends, open sky with moon and stars above us, shore of water around us with music being played.

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pleasant panoramic view of the island

Its time to reach summit point or base camp for night stay, there are stairs around 300 to reach that hill, there you see an ancient temple, but those stairs are broken and some of them are good in condition, indicates an old story about that temple existence at this place. Trees grown all over the path, seems no one is going to that temple from long time. May be due to the presence of a temple, people get excited to visit this place. This temple will be opened for a week during SHIVARATHRI Festival season. During this time we see devotees and tourists and at other times this island is mostly desolate, as the water way to reach the temple on the hillock is flooded during the monsoons every year.

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Night stay, on top of the hill

We turned our torches on and started walking, around 9' o clock we reached our summit point, it was cold, everyone was tired, and we slept on the tarps gazing at stars. It was too cold, my sleeping bag wasn't enough to protect from that cold I used my bed sheet to protect from that cold, then I fell asleep.

Morning around 5.30, few of my group members got up and discussing about the sunrise, I had a glance around, that fresh breeze, birds humming, hillocks, greenery made me lost myself.

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yoga time

while am doing yoga, everyone got up, wondering around, taking photos, enjoying nature, its time for sunrise. The breath taking sight of early rays from the sun, rising above the water was soothing and also exquisite.

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As usual the beautiful trip came to an end. started trek back to the shore of the island, we made it by 9 AM boat man is waiting for us, boarded the boat, back to the Kambalapally, we had lunch at the same place. spent sometime in the village, got into the bus, It's time to back for the normal and routine city life

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with my organizer

But its only till the next adventure. Guys get some time to visit the place, you will be charmed by this Island, chose right time and get over there for a weekend.

VIDEO: About our trip

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