Trek To Dzukou Valley , Nagaland ⛰

20th Jul 2018
Photo of Trek To Dzukou Valley , Nagaland ⛰ by Gokul Saikia

Trekking to Dzukou Valley , Nagaland ⛰

Dzukou valley has always been a dream to me since years . On 18th of July i completed my dream trek to dzuko valley . So yeah i guess now i can “been there done that” .

Dzukou trek is not just a trek for me . I have never trekked before Dzukou . It was a test of both my mental and physical limits . I was undergoing through quite a few problems in life . I had answers to find . I had a job to find my lost soul . I had to get back up in life that kicked me down numerous times . I had to rediscover myself . They say nature has answers to everything . So then i went to find my soul my answers but gave my heart to Dzukou instead . The beauty of Dzukou valley can’t be expressed in words . It’s just pure love .

We started our journey from Guwahati,Assam on 15th July to Dimapur,Nagaland via train . We reached Dimapur by 11:00pm , tired and exhausted but excited . I started to feel the vibe . I knew yeah it was real , it’s gonna happen . Next morning me and my mates woke up at around 6:00am . Started the day with a cup of coffee because coffee first always . We have had arranged a Tata Sumo by 8:00am to carry us till Kohima where our guide was waiting . Okay so i am gonna be honest, i have never traveled on top of a car before this but man it felt good , won’t lie my bum did hurt since i had to seat on a luggage carrier but the fun was real . The wind , dust , sunshine everything was just so close to my skin , i have felt it like never before . The vibe of traveling on top of a car in twisty roads is just so blissful . Was excited about the ride from Kohima to Trekking point where the real adventure was waiting . We reached Kohima by 12:30pm . Kohima was cold , little windy and less sunny . Just the perfect weather . By 1:00pm we started our ride to the trek point and by 2:30 reached our destination . Everyone was excited . I was nervous , excited , and confident . Felt like i was gearing up for a war . It indeed was a war , a battle of my life . By 3:00pm we started to trek . By 3:10pm i already stopped twice with my friend . It was hard , like really really hard to climb up . But i knew i can do this and that i have to do it to find my answers , my soul . Got back up , helped my friend and started climbing . As i started climbing up with every step forward i was being a little more strong . I knew this would change my life and make me a better person . The trees were huge , oh my god really really huge , the birds were chirping followed by gentle wind and later with rain . The vibe was magnificent , the smell of nature , the touch of earth was so beautiful i felt like i was reborn from the core of nature’s heart . The climb became difficult as we kept walking upwards . I realised this thing is risky . But i also had a strong mindset by then and of course my adrenaline always on rush . I carried chocolate bars and juice along so that i can fuel my machine . My legs were ready to give up but thanks to my spirit , i kept climbing . It was 6:00pm and it was almost dark by then . I was scared a bit , anxious and positive . Also i was a lot excited because i knew i was few kms away from my dream . By 7:00pm reached Dzukou top , where they have two dormitory , a kitchen and a bathroom and few local were there as they take care of the place and help the trekkers with almost everything including meal preparation . We cheered each other and that felling of making it till the top was so wonderful . It was beautiful and cold . So fresh so real so close to Mother Nature so alive . It was one of my best achievement in life . Everybody else in the dormitory who was there before us would cheer us up as we made it . Beautiful vibe . Beautiful . By 8:00pm we freshened up had tea and noodles followed by wine and vodka party along with some music of course and danced as if tomorrow doesn’t exist . I was remembering myself standing at the trekking point and wondering if i could make it . I smiled at myself , taped my shoulder myself . Such a proud moment because i made it . I had a purpose of climbing Dzukou valley , i had answers to find . So i walk out of the dormitory and sat alone with my wine talking to nature . I just cannot explain that felling . Maybe i don’t even want to write that felling because it was such a personal experience that was so blissful , as if i am in some other universe . Wow . I was called by my friend later for dinner , and we would all seat together and eat . If you have been to NorthEast India you will know the Naga people has quite a reputation for food . Man that was so tasty so good to have dinner with so many people after such a challenging trek . By 10:30pm we were provided sleeping bags and blankets for the night . And by 11:00pm i was in my dream land , i swear i never had such a peaceful sleep . Next day we all woke up by 6:00am had breakfast by 7:00am and went off to explore the Dzukou valley top by 8:00am . By 10:30am we came back to the dormitory had food , packed our bags and started the trek downwards back to where it started from . The trek downward was a little easy then the trek upwards and also by then i had a strong mindset and i had my answers . So i was confident and strong . By 2:45pm we completed the whole trek . I would look up and wow such a emotional moment for me . I knew i will have a good proud look in the mirror next time i see myself . By 3:15pm we started our journey back to Dimapur just like it started . And the next morning back to home the same way as started .

So here i am now remembering the moments and writing it down for you so that you can at least have a slight clue of what it felt like . But as always one must come and witness it with his/her own eyes own soul because words would just fail to explain such a experience .

Dzukou valley i love you . And thankyou for this life ⛰

Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia
Photo of Dzükou Valley, Nagaland, India by Gokul Saikia