We arrived at Kochi airport late at night so the plan was to take rest overnight and start for Munnar the next day early morning. The excitement was knowing no bounds as Munnar was on the list since a long time.

We hit the roads running by 9am with all the good vibes and lush greenery surrounding us. Munnar is to be precise 75-80 kms far from Kochi. The roads are scenic and you can find spices and home-made chocolate shops on the way. Mid way around it started to rain which made the journey even more beautiful.

Idukki is a village on the periphery of Munnar. But the beauty cannot be less appreciated for. Lad with trees all around it also has a dam that facilitates the areas nearby Idukki.

Rajamalai and Top station was on our list today and we had to finish the list today as the trip was about to end the next day with enthusiasm skyrocketing we started the day with full energy. Rajamala is famous for it's once in a blue moon flowers called Neelakurinji and the royal sheep called rajamala.

Top Station is a bit on the outskirts so we had to travel a good amount of distance to reach it. But trust me the view from up there in between the tea plantations was something to die for.

We were back in Kochi and had some time to explore around Kochi hence after lunch we headed to Cherai.
The old beach of Kochi.

With the trip ending the mind and heart was a bit sad. But from within i always knew there is a next vacation round the corner. Keep weaving memories as memories make life easier.
Happy Reading Folks !