It was time to do something on my own and explore around so After living in a cocoon for almost 22years I decided to experience a new state on my own for the purpose of livelihood.......
So for my post graduation after alot of deliberations I decided to go to Mumbai. It was time to experience my own capabilities, taking responsibility of my own actions, take decisions for myself on my own and be out there in the world away from my comfort zone ie MY Home 🏘️🏡.
After settling down for few days, Juhu Beach was the first place I went as I heard Alot about it but it turned out to be so crowded that I couldn't even stand their and enjoy its beauty like I imagined......
This is my first memory of the City of Dreams Mumbai where I learnt my first lesson never have pre notion or expectations about anything in life. It may not be always like you want it to be

In the first week I tried making friends in the new place in city new culture. But life had other plans I guess
I found a close to home girl i.e a Delhi girl to be friends with . A familiarity of thoughts to be stuck by
Eventually she became my first friend and a very good one. We often used to travel and explore to new places together.
So on the next day ie my First Sunday in Mumbai we explored Versova Beach
It was less crowded and quiter and cleaner than Juhu beach.
There are many good cafes surrounding the Versova Beach and cool sea breeze