Koldher Fort is located in the Chandwad region and mostly done by trekkers along with Indrai and Rajdher. We did this trek separately to explore entire Fort. We did not take the frequently taken route for Koldher i.e from Rajdher wadi but decided to take the route from another side which is very less trekked. The base village for our route was Tangadi (तांगडी) which is around 230 km from Mumbai.
Post the Nasik Mumbai highway take left from sogras phata and then take right to deola chandwad road which leads you to Tangadi village. The road going from this village until the starting point of the trek is in the bad condition. We left the vehicle near the Darga and started walking towards the col.

You will find many ways going to the Col which can make you wander in the forest and consume your precious time which happened to us . Once you start walking on the road towards col start going on the left keeping the col on your right. Start ascending the small hill which has plateau post which there is a gradual ascend till the base of the col. From the base of the col ascend is steep towards Khind. This Khind is the meeting point of 2 routes; the one we travelled and the one which is from Chandvad side.

This Khind is the meeting point of 2 routes; the one we travelled and the one which is from Chandvad side. From this Khind, you can view Rajdher and Sadeteen Rodga.

Post Khind there is gradual ascend and you reach a plateau having Hanuman Idol coloured in Saffron and from here you can view huge Indrai Fort along with Rajdher and Sadeteen Rodga. The panoramic View of mountains from here is amazing. On this plateau, there is a dried water cistern which is not in good condition and is covered with grass.

A small ascend of about 50 feet and you will find another water cistern which has water but the water is not good for consumption. From this water cistern then start towards the right and follow the paved route till the rock cut steps. Post-rock-cut steps till the base of the wall the route is a bit difficult due to scree till you reach the cave.

There is one large cave at the base of the wall and a few other structures in ruined condition. We took a round of wall and figured out 2 places which were worshipped. The route for this round is mostly with scree and exposure as well, hence would advise the beginners to avoid this route. The round takes about an hour’s time to complete.

The round takes about an hour’s time to complete.
The real adventure initiates while descending on the scree which is accompanied with the exposure and however without thrill the adventure is incomplete.