Last night we ended up sleeping at 3 am. We were tired but the climate made us chill, it was something 15-degree. After riding back to back for three days and waking up early morning, this day gave us that liberty to sleep for long hours. Not aware of others but I woke up late at 10 AM.
Pankaj has already left at 9 am to fix his bike and others except for Vinay, were planning to just roam nearby and buy stuff required for further travel. But I had a big task at hand to complete...and that was to fix my bike by hook or crook. So that my trip operates smoothly without bothering others and myself.
It took me a good couple of hours to step out to complete my task. But not before enquiring few people from the hotel staff and some swiggy delivery guys who were waiting outside my hotel. Almost unknown territory with no acquaintance fixing my bike was starting to look a big task. So Google Maps came to my rescue here. It just clicked to me that let me check if I can search for some local mechanics nearby who could fix my bike.
My bike 12 years old, a local brand. I knew I can get this fixed easily at a local mechanic as I being a bike enthusiast I know the exact issue with my bike. Buth the big task was here to find a decent mechanic.
I typed in the search bar of google maps for local mechanics and luckily the results showed me few mechanics nearby. Well, I was not expecting the google maps to show such local results. Elated with my decision I hooked my mobile to the holder on to the bike and followed the nearest shown mechanic which was just 3kms away from my location.
This was my first time here in Gurugram so I was riding slowly assessing the surrounding. The map took me from the wide-open road to this narrow lane to my left after covering a few kms. Finally, I reached the spot and was happy to see the mechanic. I told him the issue with the bike and he started to search for the problem as per my direction. After a few glances at the engine, he came to the conclusion that this issue cannot be fixed here by him as he did not the spares for it.
Dejected, I enquired with him the possible places where I could get the bike fixed and he replied with a location named "Gurugram Bus Stand". I quickly searched for the place in google maps and it happened to be 6kms far from that location. I was hesitant to travel that far in the first place and then I searched for the official Hero service centre, which happened to be fairly close than the Gurugram Bus stand. So I decided that the official service centre make good sense.
I started to head out towards the service centre but at the same time, I was continuously looking out for any local mechanics as they will fix the bike on the spot. I did spot a mechanic on the way, riding after a few kms. But that guy was too busy even to attend me ask my issue. After waiting for him to come and ask me my issue I wasted 10 mins. After realising the fact that this guy is not bothered even to come and ask, I moved away from there and headed straight towards the service centre.
As soon as I reached the service centre I knew that even if I get my bike fixed here. I am not going to get my bike the same day. And my assumptions were right. The supervisor told me to collect the bike tomorrow. No way I was going to leave over my bike there. Discovering that I have no other option. I decided to head towards the Gurugram Bus stand. Added the route in the map and started to head towards the destination.
I reached the location with heavy traffic welcoming me and I asked a local guy on the bike for the exact location which he pointed out to me with courtesy. I can see my destination from the opposite side of the traffic. Finally reached the spot and I was welcomed by this very young boy who must be hard in his early 20's. I looked around for some more options but all were occupied with their work.
With hardly any expectation I handed my bike to him and explain the issue.
He was very proactive and assessed my bike and revealed to me one more issue with the bike, which surprised me. I became a little relax after noticing the skill set of this guy. He started to work on the bike and like always I started noticing how he worked on the engine skilfully. Within an hour he fixed both the issues on my bike. I analysed the bike after his work was completed and I must say he did a fantastic job.
Paid him his fees and I set off from that place towards the hotel filtering through the dense traffic. I could feel the bike moving smoothly with a less irritating sound that it made before. After passing a few traffic signals, I reached the wide road and I revved the bike little hard just to be sure that the problem has really been solved. And indeed the problem was being resolved. I was feeling so much joy and relaxed after riding a technically not fit bike for 1200kms.
Reached back to the hotel with few people yet return. I joined Pankaj and Vinay in their room and chilled for a while until others arrived.
Next day, the official ride begins to Uttarakhand. Everyone was excited. Finally, we were heading towards the mountains.
Please do check out my YouTube channel where I have posted the video for this episode. Link below.