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Shivaji Park
πŸ“ Shivaji Park, MaharashtraView map β€Ί

πŸ—“ Best Time To Visit:October to February, due to pleasant weather

⏰ Open Hours:5:00 AM to 9:00 PM daily

🧳 Traveller Types:History Buffs, Fitness Enthusiasts, Picnic Lovers, Photographers

πŸ’Έ Entry Fees:Free

πŸ“ Distances:14 km from Mumbai Central Railway Station, 11 km from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport

🏞 Known For:Historical importance, fitness activities, cricket coaching, political rallies

🎫 Things To Do:Visit historical monuments, enjoy picnics, fitness activities, photography

πŸ“Œ Tips:Wear comfortable footwear, carry water, avoid visiting during political rallies

πŸ‹οΈ Facilities:Open gym, cricket coaching, children's play area, walking tracks

🌳 Unique Aspects:One of the largest parks in Mumbai, famous for cricket coaching, statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

πŸ’° Budget:No expenses unless using paid facilities or buying from vendors in the park

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Shivaji Park: The Heart and Soul of Mumbai’s Cricket Culture

Are you a cricket fan? Do you want to witness the birthplace of some of India’s greatest cricketers? Do you want to experience the passion and spirit of Mumbai’s cricket culture? If yes, then you must visit Shivaji Park, one of the most iconic and historic playgrounds in India. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Shivaji Park, its location, history, significance, attractions, activities, hotels, and more. Read on to find out why Shivaji Park is a must-visit destination for any cricket lover.

What to See and Do at Shivaji Park

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Shivaji Park is not just a playground, but a cultural and historical landmark of Mumbai. There are many things to see and do at Shivaji Park, such as:

1. Cricket:

Shivaji Park is the home ground of the Shivaji Park Gymkhana, one of the oldest and most prestigious cricket clubs in India. The club has produced many legendary cricketers, such as Sachin Tendulkar, Sunil Gavaskar, Dilip Vengsarkar, Ajit Wadekar, Ravi Shastri, and Vinod Kambli. You can watch the club matches, practice sessions, or coaching camps at Shivaji Park, and get a glimpse of the future stars of Indian cricket. You can also play cricket yourself at the park, if you are lucky enough to find a vacant pitch. Just make sure to bring your own equipment and follow the rules of the park.

2. Monuments:

Shivaji Park is also a place of historical and political significance, as it has witnessed many rallies, protests, and speeches by prominent leaders and activists. There are several monuments and statues at Shivaji Park, such as:

Shivaji Maharaj Statue: This is a majestic statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the founder of the Maratha Empire and the namesake of the park. The statue was unveiled in 1966 by the then Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi. The statue is surrounded by a garden and a fountain and is a popular spot for photography and selfies.

Ambedkar Memorial: This is a memorial dedicated to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the chief architect of the Indian Constitution and a champion of social justice and human rights. The memorial consists of a bronze bust of Ambedkar, a plaque with his quotes, and a library with his books and writings. The memorial was inaugurated in 1990 by the then President of India, R. Venkataraman. The memorial is a place of reverence and inspiration for millions of Ambedkar’s followers and admirers.

Martyrs’ Memorial: This is a memorial dedicated to the martyrs of the Samyukta Maharashtra Movement, a popular agitation that demanded the creation of a separate state of Maharashtra with Mumbai as its capital. The memorial consists of a black granite pillar with the names of the martyrs engraved on it, and a flame that burns continuously. The memorial was erected in 1960 by the Samyukta Maharashtra Samiti, a political organization that led the movement. The memorial is a symbol of the sacrifice and struggle of the people of Maharashtra for their identity and rights.

3. Gardens:

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Shivaji Park is also a place of beauty and tranquillity, as it has several gardens and green spaces that offer a respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. Some of the gardens at Shivaji Park are:

Mayor’s Bungalow Garden: This is a lush and well-maintained garden that surrounds the Mayor’s Bungalow, the official residence of the Mayor of Mumbai. The garden has a variety of plants, flowers, trees, and birds, and is a great place to relax and enjoy nature. The garden is open to the public from 6 am to 10 am and from 4 pm to 8 pm every day, except on Mondays and public holidays.

Children’s Park: This is a fun and colorful park that is specially designed for children. The park has a playground, a toy train, a merry-go-round, a slide, a swing, and other attractions that keep the kids entertained and happy. The park is open from 8 am to 12 pm and from 4 pm to 8 pm every day, except on Mondays and public holidays. The entry fee is Rs. 5 per child and Rs. 10 per adult.

Shivaji Park Udyan: This is a large and spacious park that covers the entire area of Shivaji Park. The park has a jogging track, a cycling track, a skating rink, a yoga center, a gymnasium, and other facilities that cater to the health and fitness needs of the visitors. The park also has benches, gazebos, fountains, and sculptures that add to the aesthetic appeal of the park. The park is open from 5 am to 10 pm every day, and is free of charge.

Where to Stay Near Shivaji Park

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If you are planning to visit Shivaji Park, you may want to stay at a hotel near the park, so that you can save time and money on commuting. There are many hotels near Shivaji Park, ranging from budget to luxury, that offer comfortable and convenient accommodation. Some of the best hotels near Shivaji Park are Ramee Guestline Hotel Dadar, Hotel Midtown Pritam and Hotel Amigo.

Shivaji Park is more than just a park, it is a cultural and historical treasure of Mumbai. It is a place where you can witness the glory and legacy of Mumbai’s cricket culture, admire the monuments and statues of the heroes and martyrs of Maharashtra, and enjoy the gardens and green spaces that offer a breath of fresh air in the city. Shivaji Park is a place that you should not miss when you visit Mumbai, especially if you are a cricket fan.

So, what are you waiting for? Book your trip to Mumbai today, and don’t forget to visit Shivaji Park.

Photos of Shivaji Park
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