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Jehangir Art Gallery
📍 Jehangir Art Gallery, MaharashtraView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:October to March

⏰ Open Hours:11 AM to 7 PM, Closed on Mondays

🖼 Things To Do:Explore various art exhibitions, attend art workshops and seminars, purchase art pieces

💰 Budget:Free Entry

🧳 Traveller Types:Art Lovers, Photographers, History Buffs

🎨 Known For:One of India's most prestigious art galleries, hosting exhibitions by both established and emerging artists

📍 Distances:2 km from Churchgate Railway Station, 25 km from Mumbai Airport, 6 km from Gateway of India

🚫 Regulations:Photography might be restricted in certain exhibitions

📌 Tips:The gallery shop sells prints of famous artworks at reasonable prices

👥 Capacity:The gallery can accommodate approximately 500 visitors at a time

♿ Accessibility:The gallery is wheelchair accessible

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Jehangir Art Gallery: A Guide to Mumbai’s Iconic Art Hub

Are you an art lover looking for a cultural experience in Mumbai? Do you want to explore the rich and diverse artistic expressions of India’s finest artists? If yes, then you should not miss the Jehangir Art Gallery, one of the most popular and prestigious art galleries in India. Located in the heart of Mumbai, Maharashtra, the Jehangir Art Gallery is a must-visit destination for anyone who appreciates art, history, and creativity.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the Jehangir Art Gallery, such as its history, features, exhibitions, events, timings, fees, and best time to visit. Read on to discover why the Jehangir Art Gallery is a gem of Mumbai’s cultural heritage.


The Jehangir Art Gallery was founded in 1952 by Sir Cowasji Jehangir, a prominent industrialist and philanthropist, who donated the land and funds for its construction. The gallery was named after his late son, Jehangir Cowasji Jehangir, who was an avid art collector and patron. The gallery was inaugurated by Dr. Homi Bhabha, the father of India’s nuclear program, and was managed by the Bombay Art Society, a prestigious organization of artists and art lovers.

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The gallery soon became a hub of artistic activity and a platform for emerging and established artists to showcase their works. Some of the notable artists who have exhibited at the gallery include M. F. Husain, S. H. Raza, Nandalal Bose, K. K. Hebbar, Tyeb Mehta, Akbar Padamsee, and Anjolie Ela Menon. The gallery also witnessed the birth and growth of various art movements, such as the Progressive Artists’ Group, the Bombay Group, and the Baroda Group. The gallery has played a significant role in the development and promotion of Indian art and culture, both nationally and internationally.


The Jehangir Art Gallery is a stunning example of Gothic style architecture, designed by Durga Bajpai, a renowned architect. The gallery has a majestic facade, with stone arches, wooden beams, and marble floors. The gallery has four exhibition halls, each with a different size and layout, to accommodate different types of artworks and displays. The gallery also has an auditorium, where lectures, seminars, and workshops are held.

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The gallery has a terrace gallery, which is an open-air space for displaying sculptures and installations. The gallery has a photography gallery, which is dedicated to showcasing the works of photographers and photojournalists. The gallery also has a restaurant, called Samovar, which serves delicious and affordable snacks and beverages. The gallery is equipped with modern facilities, such as air-conditioning, lighting, security, and parking.

Exhibitions and Events

The Jehangir Art Gallery hosts a variety of exhibitions and events throughout the year, featuring the works of both Indian and international artists. The gallery has a regular schedule of solo and group shows, covering different genres and mediums, such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, ceramics, textiles, and digital art. The gallery also organizes special exhibitions and events, such as the annual monsoon art show, which showcases the works of young and upcoming artists, and the Kala Ghoda festival, which is a celebration of art, culture, and heritage in the historic Kala Ghoda precinct. Some of the current and upcoming exhibitions and events at the gallery are:

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The Art of Living: A Solo Show by Ramesh Gorjala (January 15-21, 2024): A collection of paintings by Ramesh Gorjala, a contemporary artist from Andhra Pradesh, who depicts the themes of spirituality, mythology, and nature in his works.

Beyond Boundaries: A Group Show by Women Artists (February 1-7, 2024): A showcase of the works of six women artists from different parts of India, who explore the issues of identity, gender, and society in their works.

Colors of India: A Photography Exhibition by Rajesh Bedi (March 1-7, 2024): A display of the photographs by Rajesh Bedi, a renowned wildlife photographer and conservationist, who captures the beauty and diversity of India’s flora and fauna in his images.

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Timings, Fees, and Best Time to Visit

The Jehangir Art Gallery is open to the public from 11 am to 7 pm, every day of the week, except on national holidays. The entry to the gallery is free of charge, but you may have to pay a nominal fee for some special exhibitions and events. You can book your tickets online through the gallery’s website, or buy them at the counter on the day of your visit. You can also contact the gallery for any queries or information, through their phone number, email address, or social media handles.

The best time to visit the gallery is during the winter season, from November to February, when the weather is pleasant and comfortable. You can also visit the gallery in the morning hours, when the crowd is less and the atmosphere is serene.

The Jehangir Art Gallery is a treasure trove of art and culture, where you can witness the works of some of the finest artists of India and the world. The gallery is a perfect destination for anyone who loves art, history, and creativity, and wants to experience the vibrant and diverse artistic expressions of Mumbai. Whether you are a solo traveler, a couple, a family, or a group, you will find something to suit your taste and interest at the gallery.

So, what are you waiting for? Plan your visit to the Jehangir Art Gallery today, and discover the magic of art and culture in Mumbai.

And don’t forget to share your feedback and experiences with us, by commenting, liking, or sharing this article. Thank you for reading, and happy traveling!

Jehangir Art Gallery Reviews

Next I moved to Jahangir Art Gallery. I am not a painter but I like the art of expression and I appreciate it. While looking at the paintings, there were paintings of natural landscapes, like the sunrise, the forts, the temples. All this while, I was very much able to relate with it, as soon as I saw sunrise, I was like I saw this in Varanasi, as soon as I saw deodar trees, I was like I saw this in Mussorrie, temples, I saw it in Rameswaram and there were scenaries from Badami as well, I have been there as well, I was so much able to relate with it! It took me back to all the places I travelled in just 10 minutes, wow! Then I moved to photography section by Milind Sathe, someone who lives in Hills and Mountains and exploring their lives day by day. I have been to Spiti, I was able to relate with many of the photographs and now , I know where all to go next :) Thanks Milind.
Since 1952, this gallery in South Mumbai has been a meeting point of national and international contemporary artists as well as students and art admirers. It has four exhibition halls and it hosts more than 300 shows in a year. It is also the venue for the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival.
On weekends, you can see many artists crawling on the streets to capture the beauty of ancient Gothic architecture of South Mumbai which makes us feel more artistic. Jehangir Art Gallery to local artists open air galleries – which reflect various colors of Mumbai.
Art at its best. A good display of art by famous artists to budding artists. It’s heartening to see Art still alive with a charming old gallery, welcoming each and every one who fancy art/ photography exhibitions etc.
Photos of Jehangir Art Gallery
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