Nothing makes me happier than kids and nature. It was a sudden plan to visit Himalayan Zoological Park, Bulbuley, which is at a distance of 3 km from Gangtok with an altitude of 1,780 mtrs. However, I along with about 20 kids travelled for two and half hour to reach our much awaited destination from Dzongu.

The day started with light rain which made us little disappointment however we left no stone disturbing the morning hours. It was a slow journey with kids, some eating non stop and some vomiting at each stop.

With hours passing we reached Hanuman Top where we stopped for 15 minutes and kids enjoyed themselves ringing bells ...which some of them were seeing for the first time.

Not stopping by any other minute we went off to Zoo. The moment the car came to a halt kids threw off from car and started looking for pencil and a note to jot down as were asked to do. We started off with the Himalayan bear and unfortunately bear was not to be seen around. Kids got disappointment however a tourist couple cheer them up with group pictures with them.

With more minutes passing in the green forest with more animals coming up, kids started running from one cage of animal to another. It was the spark in their eyes and speed in their feet that made us more happy that kids had a great time

Not stopping for more than 5 minutes with each animal, they came up to Red Panda, the tiny cute state animal. Till than they had heard and read in books but never in real. Red Panda and the beautiful birds made their day.

I had visited that zoo a month ago but the excitement and happiness that I had with the kids was of different experience. It was a day to be kept forever.

Kids are always curious to know why this animals were caged in zoo ?. At times it's difficult to answer their curiosity.
By the time we came to the end of meeting animals, our stomach had started making noises and kids were not even smiling for a click. They sat at one place with no expression. We stopped for a lunch. Our lunch was disturbed by the rains however no one was angry with the rains or had complains. We were just happy we made it to the zoo with no rains but pleasant weather.

With stomach full and day filled with excitement, we returned back home with dedicating songs to each other. This was my first ever experience with the kids. Some I had known them some were new to me but everyone behaved well.
The day with kids, the animals, the birds and the forest was overall a great day. This was a full package day.