Exploring Meghalaya's Natural Wonder: The Double Decker Root Bridge Trek

Photo of Exploring Meghalaya's Natural Wonder: The Double Decker Root Bridge Trek by Nargis Farheena

In the heart of Meghalaya's verdant landscape lies a natural wonder that defies conventional engineering. The Double Decker Root Bridge, a marvel crafted by nature's patient hand, stands as a testament to the symbiotic relationship between man and the environment.

Tyrna: The Gateway to Adventure:

Photo of Exploring Meghalaya's Natural Wonder: The Double Decker Root Bridge Trek by Nargis Farheena

The journey commences in the picturesque village of Tyrna, where the air is perfumed with the scent of pine and the promise of adventure hangs thick. It is here that the trek to the Double Decker Root Bridge begins, a path veiled in mystery and beauty.

7000 Steps of Discovery:

Photo of Exploring Meghalaya's Natural Wonder: The Double Decker Root Bridge Trek by Nargis Farheena

Embarking on the trail, one is immediately enveloped by the dense embrace of the forest. Each step taken is a revelation, as the canopy overhead filters the sunlight into a mesmerizing tapestry of light and shadow.

Crossing Rivers and Bridges:

Photo of Exploring Meghalaya's Natural Wonder: The Double Decker Root Bridge Trek by Nargis Farheena
Photo of Exploring Meghalaya's Natural Wonder: The Double Decker Root Bridge Trek by Nargis Farheena

The path winds its way through the forest, leading trekkers across rivers on sturdy cable bridges that sway gently in the breeze. The sound of rushing water is a constant companion, a symphony of nature's making.

A Symphony of Nature's Sounds:

Photo of Exploring Meghalaya's Natural Wonder: The Double Decker Root Bridge Trek by Nargis Farheena

As the trek progresses, the forest comes alive with the melodious chatter of birds and the rustle of leaves in the wind. The sights and sounds of nature envelop the senses, creating a symphony of serenity.

The Magnificent Waterfalls:

Photo of Exploring Meghalaya's Natural Wonder: The Double Decker Root Bridge Trek by Nargis Farheena

The journey to the Double Decker Root Bridge is punctuated by the sight of majestic waterfalls, their waters cascading down from great heights. The sight and sound of these natural wonders are awe-inspiring, serving as a reminder of nature's raw power and beauty.

The Arrival:

Photo of Exploring Meghalaya's Natural Wonder: The Double Decker Root Bridge Trek by Nargis Farheena

After hours of trekking, the Double Decker Root Bridge finally comes into view, a sight to behold. Made entirely of living tree roots, the bridge spans the river below, a testament to nature's ingenuity and resilience.

Walking Among Giants:

Photo of Exploring Meghalaya's Natural Wonder: The Double Decker Root Bridge Trek by Nargis Farheena

Crossing the Double Decker Root Bridge is an experience like no other, as one walks amidst the giant tree roots that have intertwined over centuries to form this natural marvel. Each step taken is a step back in time, a glimpse into a world untouched by modernity.

Reflection and Gratitude:

As the day draws to a close and the sun begins its descent, there is a moment of quiet reflection by the Double Decker Root Bridge. Surrounded by the beauty of nature, one can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for being able to experience such a magical place.


The trek to the Double Decker Root Bridge is not just a physical journey; it is a journey of the soul. It is a reminder of the harmony that can exist between humans and nature, and a testament to the beauty and resilience of the natural world.