we 4 of us looked at each other and smiled to make each other confident about to climb. we were walking in a baby step uphill. The track has become so slippery that some of them getting slipped while walking.

Since we all were not thought about the snowy track. We had a idea in our mind. To have enough grip on the track we took out our socks and wrapped over shoes. our idea did work. we were getting the grip on the track. we were moving faster than baby steps now. haha!...

We got the boost of confidence after this incidence. we got the new idea now. As sunset is about to happen anytime. we thought to go uphill by taking small small short cuts on the track.
This was too risky as if any of us could fall and get injured.

Moving ahead, Avinash had complaint of some back pain. we immediately applied the volini over the body part. Once he said he can walk now. we started again.
Finally, we managed to reach at the top around 5:30 pm in the evening.

We all were too happy. we shouted for 5mins. as a symbol of our achievement.
since, we were much ahead from our rest of the group. so, we waited for some time. After sometime, we saw our guide was coming with rest of the people.
He was now moving ahead and all of us moving behind him. we could feel cold at the top. There was snow everywhere on the top. Now, we are just waiting for our tent area to come.
After moving more 10mins. we had finally reached to our tent area. We asked for our tent and we all immediately get into it.
we were feeling too cold at that time. Guide offered us Tea with pakoda. Which encouraged us to enjoy the weather of triund.