Through this blog I would like to share my experiences in a retreat which I did with Sumit Upreti Sir who is the founder of Cosmic Abundance Hub. (This is purely coming from my heart and not marketing blog) The goal of Sumit sir is to build an army of super humans and guide millions of people to live a super healthy life with mountain fit body with spirituality being in the center.
My spiritual journey with Sumit sir started with my back pain which just dint want to go irrespective of several doctor visits and also with physiotherapy. I was spiritual in my childhood where I had totally surrendered to God but somehow as I grew up, science conquered me, and I moved to finding scientific reasons behind every problem and became an engineer.
I was always attracted to the concept of law of attraction, cosmic healing and so on with the intention to find science behind this. With Sumit sir it was instant connect. His vision drew me to check out his initial 3 days' workshop and then there was no full stop. I am now in his Diamond membership and also went to this retreat to Matheran.
In the first 3 days' workshop, first thing which could calm my logical mindset is "Spirituality is the future science which is not yet known", Could you imagine Wifi 1000yrs back? Could you imagine the life we are leading now 1000 yrs back? So, it is very clear that there is something higher energy than what we know exists and we have to surrender to our higher self to go beyond. This is the first mindset change for me to go from "Logic to Magic". Totally surrender and you will get the answers/guidance you are looking for!
So, coming back to retreat, one month before itself Sumit sir gave how to approach a retreat. We understood about "Sankalpa se Siddhi" i.e intention to achievement, Maslow's hierarchy of needs and also how days before the retreat we have to prepare our body for physical fitness, mental fitness. We had to start jogging for 15mins each day, able to climb stairs with backpacks and also to do all the practices taught in the course by waking up at Brahma Muhurta. There was a lot of excitement for the retreat.

Matheran is an automobile-free hill station 90km from Mumbai. I had several questions in mind before retreat like should I go, what will happen, how will I go from Mumbai etc but in the daily meditations, weekly Hatha yoga practices, Sumit sir always said, "Make your WHY so strong then how will come automatically". My "why" on this retreat was strong and I just enrolled without thinking much and how got arranged itself. I got an awesome group from Bangalore itself and I reached Matheran in a very well-arranged taxi from Mumbai without any travel tensions.
Initial plan was to walk from the point where vehicle is no more allowed but since Bangalore flight arrival was itself late and we dint want to miss the lunch, we had to take the help of horse and porters to reach the Byke Heritage resort which was booked for this retreat.

What a surprise, one of the first persons to meet at reception was Sumit sir with his big smile and big hug. I think all the travel sickness just went away with his warm welcome. Not to forget, every person who came for this retreat has a big smile and open mind and heart because that's what Sumit sir taught us :)
We had lunch and were properly guided to our rooms. 2 persons were allocated per room and this was an opportunity to meet my roommate who is a Gynecologist. We both had several discussions over 3 days of retreat, and it was so surprising to know how we both had similar thoughts/challenges and how our energies really matched. No wonder we were chosen to be roommates :)
First, we had an intention setting session. Knowledge from Sumit sir just flows like river. We had elaborate discussion about "Preventing a disease", how stress is the root cause, why we have to release our emotional baggages, why we have to be super healthy, how master mind is created when group meets up like this, how to make orbit shift by 1% every single day in order to be in a different orbit you want to be, what is "Yog", how lack of harmony between mind and body creates diseases called Psychosomatic diseases, different KOSHAs from spiritual perspective, significance of numbers and how finally you can attain Vakh Siddhi etc and etc, list goes on.
We were also given different gifts like Hoodie, cup etc. So sweet of the team and sir :) Really thankful to connect with this like-minded community.
It is also so good to see Sumit Sirs parents and brother travelling together and being part of this retreat. They are the living proof how Sumit sir's energy has radiated to his family and his surroundings.

The specialty of Sumit sir is that he not only speaks and gives the knowledge but also make you experience it. The next set of programs are planned for such experiences.
JAL NETI (Nasal cleansing Yoga): First Sumit sir explained all the theory behind this and removed all our fears of whether water will enter the brain (haha), whether salt will block our nose etc and etc and then demonstrated so beautifully how we pour warm salt water from one nose and this water exits from other nose. It no doubt cleans our nasal passages and extremely helpful for sinuses problems but also, we got to know how it also cleanses Third Eye Chakra when you do it with that consciousness.
The experience was amazing. Suddenly air felt so much better, lungs felt more bigger, and energy was boosted immediately. It is very important to remove all the energy blockages with these simple yogic kriyas. It is recommended to do it once a week because some mucus in the nose is also important for health.
Later we had yummy lunch with Karaoke sessions from resort. Group energy is always high :) We concluded the day with some miracle stories and our night meditations.
Nature Walk:
Day 2 started early with nature walk. We went into the forest area, and we understood how to connect with nature. For example, when we look at tree, look at its patience, it might be standing there firmly from several years without getting bored and without expecting anything from us and always "giving". Nature always gives. Like that different examples are given on how to connect with nature and how to get guidance from nature.
We did golden prana meditation with morning sun and lake around. The knowledge from Sumit sir and group energy always flowed and I don't know when the walking ended and still with high energy :)

Today we cannot have breakfast because we are doing a complete GIT (Gastrointestinal Track) cleansing today. Its called Shankha Prakshalana Kriya.
In yoga, the shape of our digestive system is seen as a conch (Shankha) which has a long spiral tunnel-like intestine, and prakshalana in Sanskrit is called cleansing. Shankhaprakshalana is a yogic cleansing technique of the digestive system including the whole gastrointestinal tract (mouth to the anus).
Again, here I had several fears like not having privacy, how many times I might have to use bathroom, how much bad my intestine is etc and etc. But it was so well arranged without any issues.
Here again salt water is used. Since we have to use bathroom later several times, the group was divided into 2 as per room allocation i.e one from each room does it first. Basically, you have to drink salt water slowly and do some asanas until you get the pressure to run to the bathroom :) The whole process was very well demonstrated by sir and senior students. The beauty of yogic techniques is that it not only does physical cleansing but also cleanses at different levels like mind, emotions etc. The whole group energy was so high that there is no room for fear. I was ready to explore my body and mind. I think i drank around 3 litres of salt water before running to bathroom :)
After completing it I felt a strong urge to cry and after crying, my body and mind became so light which I cannot describe in words. Later we discussed that some people felt very angry and some different emotions coming out. But that's why we did this for :)
After this it is very important to take rest. We were given enough rest time. The sleep was also so soo deep which again I cannot explain in words.
Kaya Kriya:
In this three-part relaxation technique, the lower, middle and upper body is progressively relaxed with a movement-breath combination. Again, this is a very powerful practice. It is a whole-body cleansing process. It includes emotional cleansing so be very careful. It is not recommended to do it unless initiated by a Guru. It can trigger various previous memories which probably you thought you have forgotten but your body has not!!! It is very important to do it and to face it so that body and mind is harmonized with the help of breath.
Again, after this, it triggered for me to cry but very later I understood that its JOY of TEARS and not sad ones. One of my weaknesses was being in comfort and I am happy that I went out of my comfort to try this retreat and to do everything even with some initial fears and to remind me again that I can come out my comfort zone and achieve my goals.
For evening, we had ethnic theme. Everyone looked at their best in their ethnic wear. We were given some opportunity to speak about the retreat experiences. Many shared about how their diseases are getting healed after joining CAH, how Sumit sir's practices are so simple but yet so powerful, how they got over previous emotional traumas and in total how CAH and retreat helped them.
For me, retreat was really how I dreamt of. I wanted a Guru, a community and travels (since travel is my passion). This CAH community is providing everything which I have dreamt of. My back pain is no more there or even if it's there sometimes I am not tensed about it anymore. I totally understand the meaning of the name what Sumit Sir has kept now,
Cosmic: Surrender to Universe. Shift from Logic to Magic.
Abundance: Shift from Scarcity mindset to Abundance mindset.
Hub: You are never alone. You have Guru energy guiding always and together with Group energy, you become unstoppable. Combination of online courses and offline retreats are perfect to bring you on track if at all you get detoured.

Coming back to evening, we did our future intention setting with fire. Sir demonstrated how we just need 1 matchstick and how we are capable of passing this fire from one candle to an another. This is how human beings must be. Pass the knowledge/kindness/smile etc from 1 person to another and make this world a very beautiful place. We wrote 1 habit/pattern which we want to burn with fire and leave that habit in Matheran itself, so that when we leave, that habit stays here.
Hatha Yoga: We did several Hatha yoga practices from 6am to 9am. With Sumit sir's presence we dint feel that we did yoga for 3 hours. It was again not only physical, with each asana Sumit sir gave several information about the asana through which we can do these with awareness. Sumit sirs' techniques are very very simple and yet very very powerful, and it can be done by anyone of any age. Later again, we did golden prana meditation in morning sun.

The experience is beyond words. Savasana was so deep. I literally felt myself out of my body and body floating around. I think this is what I needed, I wanted to experience connecting this atma with Paramatma. Now I feel deeply connected with nature and the universe. Every practice, meditations which I do now is no more the same. It's going deeper, deeper and deeper.
Finally, we had graduation ceremony. Each participant was given certificate which is definitely a treasure to keep.

Going back from Matheran, we went by walk. All bags were carried with the help of porters. It took around 1 hour to reach our taxi. Again, with group energy, it felt like we reached the taxi in few minutes.
Overall, its huge successful retreat for me. World altogether looks different now after doing all the cleansing. I understood how we ourselves block our energies by eating unhealthy food and by creating negative thoughts. I am grateful to connect with Sumit sir and the team to do further cleansing and to reach the ultimate :)
If you are inspired by my story and it connects with your goals, you can check out Sumit sirs 3 days' workshop at below link,
I wish all my readers a super healthy life and all the success in your life. Sumit sir always says, "May you be a blessing and be blessed wherever you go".
#CHR2022 #CAH