Day two was more challenging because the difficult part of the trekk was just about to begin . We got up as early as possible and started the hike. As we wanted to cover as much distance before the sun came out. The peak was further 9kms ahead . As one of our team mate started to feel the pains in his knees . We had to take breaks and ensure that he was catching up and was feeling okay. We had packed ourselves chapathis from Subrahmanya on the previous day as there would be no breakfast at bhatramane so early in the morning.we left the camp site around 6am . The chilling wind was blowing with such force it was difficult at times to get the balance. we get few good spots on the way to the peak like kallu Mantapa which is almost at the 1/4th of the trek completion. We had refreshments and started the hike again. From here the trail gets steeper and difficult . The air gets thinner and becomes little difficult to breathe and the steepness will lead us to slip while hiking. One has to be prepared mentally from here to climb. Around 10:30 we reached the first peak that is the Sheshaparvatha which resembles a serpant with its hood open gaurding the holy place of kukke.
Many of the trekkers come up to here exhausted and think this is the final point and return. But there is more . One needs to hike approximately half an hour more to reach the destination i.e kumaraparvata peak. The place Sheshaparvatha has some spectacular views and many iconic photography spots. But one has to be careful if you are going towards the edge of few rocks to.click pics as the wind will pull you and it's difficult to get the balance . After crossing all.this we finally made it to kumara parwata peak . We waited all of our team members to reach the peak. And we lydown there for sometime enjoying the cool breeze and mostly because our legs were sore.
By 2:00pm we had descended and reached bhatramane. We had nice lunch and filled out energy bars and started towards kukke Subrahmanya. We had kept our tents and sleeping bags at bhatramane because carrying it all the way till the peak would be really difficult. We took half an hour power nap and started to trekk down to Subrahmanya town.
It was around 2:30 when we started coming down. One can say easily though climbing down looks easy it isn't. Trust me most of the injuries happen while descending the mountain. One has to be very careful about where his next step would be.we reached the town Subrahmanya around 5:30 and had hot coffee and golibaje.
As soon as the snacks were done we rushed towards the bus station . The last direct bus to Mangalore was around 6pm . Or else one has to go to Gundya and catch a bus to Mangalore.

It was the starting of the even sem in engineering college. Me and my firends had no interest in attending the college on the first day. The long wish to go on a trekking was shaping up nicely and we finally decided kumaraparvata instead of kodachadri. It was a group of 9 enthusiastic guys u set on a mission to climb the mighty kumaraparvata. We started around 11am from Mangalore. We took a government bus to Subrahmanya . The bus usually takes 2-2.5 hours depends on the bus and the route taken by the bus. It was around 2:30 when we reached the base that is the holy kukke Subrahmanya town. We had our lunch in new Mysore cafe and filled all the essential requried for the next two days. Around 3:30pm we were on the trail of kumaraparvata . But first we had to reach bhatramane a midpoint where we could halt for the night. Bhatramane is around 6.5kms from the base point of the trekk. The trekk started with not so steep paths and gradually it was difficult with all the luggage and the path becoming steeper plus the scroching summer sun above our heads. As we headed deep into the forest the trees gave us shade . We took several small breaks to catch our breathe. As we encountered many people returning from the trekk advising us to reach soon as it wouldn't get dark. And finally around 6:45pm we made it to bhatramane where we freshned up and had nice dinner and went to sleep.
It was the starting of the even sem in engineering college. Me and my firends had no interest in attending the college on the first day. The long wish to go on a trekking was shaping up nicely and we finally decided kumaraparvata instead of kodachadri. It was a group of 9 enthusiastic guys u set on a mission to climb the mighty kumaraparvata. We started around 11am from Mangalore. We took a government bus to Subrahmanya . The bus usually takes 2-2.5 hours depends on the bus and the route taken by the bus. It was around 2:30 when we reached the base that is the holy kukke Subrahmanya town. We had our lunch in new Mysore cafe and filled all the essential requried for the next two days. Around 3:30pm we were on the trail of kumaraparvata . But first we had to reach bhatramane a midpoint where we could halt for the night. Bhatramane is around 6.5kms from the base point of the trekk. The trekk started with not so steep paths and gradually it was difficult with all the luggage and the path becoming steeper plus the scroching summer sun above our heads. As we headed deep into the forest the trees gave us shade . We took several small breaks to catch our breathe. As we encountered many people returning from the trekk advising us to reach soon as it would get dark. And finally around 6:45pm we made it to bhatramane where we freshned up and had nice dinner and went to sleep.

We reached Mangalore around 9pm that night . The whole trekking experience was surreal. At one point we were about to quit in between seeing few of the guys backing out because of health issues and tiredness the team spirit was so high that it always pushed us to complete the hike and reach the peak.
This peak which lies in the pushpagiri range is one of the toughest in Karnataka . The total distance is around 29kms . So be very prepared before u start climbing this as there is nothing literally nothing in between the forest for your assistance. Carry lots and lots of water and food .one can also fill them.at bhtaramane or forest checkpost.
Team Members,
Sambhav,Srinidhi, Rahul,Pawan,Vineeth,Majeed,Vinod,Vinayak,Devdas.
Thank you for reading 😊