Photo of THE FIRST ONE - PARASHAR LAKE by Aadhar Madaan

It was October of 2019, a COVID less era. I was in college and had planned a night out with three friends who cancelled the plan at the very last moment. I was furious because I had planned this for an entire week. I was 22 at the time and life was all about friends and going out with them.I felt all alone , and consequently decided to do something I had wanted to do for years, I booked a trek the very same day, borrowed a trekking bag from a friend, boarded the bus the very same evening and the next day I was in Mandi beginning my first trek.

It was an easy one, of course, The Parashar Lake Trek. I have a good workout routine, so the one day trek was not that tiresome for me. I was accompanied by the trek leader and several other trekkers who were mostly older and working in MNCs. Most had come in groups to enjoy their weekend in the mountains. I also loved the company of the dogs who just want to be around. As soon as we reached the top, I felt the freezing weather. There was not much snow but the view of the lake was exquisite, I ate some maggi, obviously and just snuck into the tent as soon as it was ready. My friends who had cancelled the night out were quite surprised by me suddenly going on a trek, they sent some apologies to console me. I tried replying to my friends' messages but the cellular reception was poor so I gave up eventually.

Fortunately, I slept on time and woke up an hour before the sunrise and was able to witness an amazing sight with the mountain dog, of course. I realised then and there,