Hampta Valley | Hampta Trek | Manali

7th Oct 2022

Hampta Valley

Photo of Hampta Valley | Hampta Trek | Manali by Neeraj Dhiman

The 4,250 m-high Hampta Pass acts as a conduit between Lahaul's Chandra Valley and Kullu Valley and is recognised for its stunning mountain views and adventure sports. During the summer and winter months, the valley is ideal for trekking.

It leads trekkers through alpine and rhododendron woods, verdant meadows, waterfalls, and sheer rock falls, with spectacular views of the snow-capped Pir Panjal ranges. While it is possible to camp here all year (by a river), the winter months provide the opportunity to build a fire and enjoy a nice dinner.

The Hampta Valley offers breathtaking vistas of the Himalayan mountain range as well as some incredible trekking opportunities. Maintain a steady gaze to catch the shimmering sights of snow-clad summits and towering mountains raised up by the presence of hundreds of trees.

This four-day snow trekking adventure in the Hampta Valley will transport you to white bliss. The trip, which is covered in deep snow, is accessible throughout the winter season and provides its visitors with a tough yet rewarding experience. Take advantage of the snowy trail and engage in some snow activities. Enjoy your nights with a deliciously hot dinner in front of the fire.