A road trip to Lonavala is something that I have done a lot of time. For me it's not just the destination (which is beautiful no doubt) that is important it's the whole journey from starting till the end.
The journey via Mumbai takes around 2 hours via the Mumbai -Pune expressway.The view all along the highway is just beautiful. I am specifically talking about the monsoon season here.The drive allows you to witness the many waterfalls that come along the way -from really big ones to tiny ones where you can see people enjoying the falls.
On both side of the roads you can see lush green scenery. No words to describe it.
Lonavala is famous for its 'chikkis '.Once you reach there you will see number of shops selling chikkis and fudge.
While moving ahead to Bhushi Dam you will cross the lonavala lake-perfect place to be if you are looking for peace and beauty.The main thing about this lake is that it fills up during monsoons only and stays dry otherwise.
Moving ahead you will come to bhushi dam which is a very popular destination for kids and adults alike. You can spend quite a lot of time here and enjoy what the dam has to offer.
Tiger point was the next stop.I personally love coming here because of the beautiful climb and because my very favourite corn pakoras are available here. Combine it with tea and you are in heaven.There are number of stalls offering snacks and hot/cold beverage. Combine it with tea and you are in heaven.
During the monsoons the clouds come down so low that you are actually driving through them and it gives you a feeling as if they are wrapping you in their protective arms (yes it gets me all philosophical too).
There are number of ways to reach here-if you have a car then drive down or hire a taxi or bus services are also available. But if possible try to drive down yourself for the ultimate experience.
It gets pretty cold out here during monsoons so don't forget to carry your jackets and enjoy the monsoons.