Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai

Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 1/15 by On & off the Roads
Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 2/15 by On & off the Roads
Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 3/15 by On & off the Roads
Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 4/15 by On & off the Roads
Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 5/15 by On & off the Roads
Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 6/15 by On & off the Roads
Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 7/15 by On & off the Roads
Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 8/15 by On & off the Roads


Nowadays with much easy internet access & with a travelling era, we have very easy access to so many travelling blogs. Anyways having a lot of passion to travel with additional motivation by reading all such blogs I also got inspired to travel solo. Like it is said - Journey of thousand miles begins with a single step - & so I took d 1st step- decided a date not far just 15 days away. But that 15 days wait was a long time because of over enthusiasm & a short time because to manage all other bike, stay & other planning related stuff that to after office. But it was amazing experience both planning & actual traveling.

I agree unplanned traveling will be fun, but since it was first, I preferred to have a word & chat with some people who have done it before. Lots of blogs from Tripoto, HolidayIQ & many other sites helped in deciding finally which place to go, which roads to hit & what to do & what not to do. And the actual booking part can be taken care by goibibo & makemytrip.

Mostly it starts with day 1, but I would prefer to start with day (-15) – After reading whole lot about Mumbai to Goa – NH 66 – to do thing when u r single/ or before u turn 30 – I completely agree with all those blogs n people….. Yaa a must thing – hit NH 66 on bike….doesnt matter if you are a motorcycle pro rider, wannabes or the actual ones, there are certain trips that every1 should take…

Day (-10) – Finally decided the route, which road to hit, where to take a halt & where to stay.

Day (-5) – After whole lot of search & chat with people, ended up deciding what things a need for my bike & they were really very useful.

1. Bike Charger – once you put mobile on for navigation , mostly any smart phone gets drained off fast, so bike charger helps a lot & its not that costly – approx. Rs350/- & available online as well near Lamington road/ grant road 

2. Mobile stand – To have a easy access to navigator/maps, it helps a lot… available on Lamington road

3. Antipuncture gel – one riding a bike definitely knows the pain what if d bike gets puncture at wrong place… It takes barely 15mins to get it done & it cost around Rs 800/- for avenger. It is available in Andheri-chakala.

4. Accelerator cable – is a bit tricky if needed to change it, but it is not a much pain to carry it at least. Because one may get a garage nearby but not the cable which fits your bike & one can just save the videos & try & do it if needed only…thank god I didn’t faced any of it… but as a safety I had it

 5. Clutch Cable – very easy to change – one can learn it from youtube video or your usual garage guy can show you in 5 minutes.   

6. First aid kit – leg guard – of course not for the bike but one can need it – because medicals are not at frequent stops.

7. Peebuddy – If you are a female traveller – It is actually a must thing because we are in India & we don’t have good sanitation facilities yet… sad but true… available online as well in outdoor travel gear stores & Extreme Sports (Powai)

8. Last but not least – Something to tie your bag to the bike- however small it may be – it helps – couldn't recollect what it is called – but available on Lamington road

Day (-1) – To be really honest, I was not 100% sure if I could do this. Very few people knew that I was going, but from most I had this reaction – ARE YOU NUTS !!! – but really I started my journey with my 80 % & 200% of my friends belief &support that I can do it & I should do it.

Finally day 1 – All set to go with all the bike accessories in place – headphones & fav soundtracks playlist – leg guard- gloves- riding jacket – all because of my super awesome friends who were as excited as I was – the journey began – the route for the day was

Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 9/15 by On & off the Roads

Starting from Mumbai – Panvel – KoladDapoli & a halt at Dapoli – approx. 240 kms – approx. 5 hrs – can be achieved very easily

The starting patch is not that great ..but afterwards you won’t feel like getting off the bike – its beauty – dapoli is also a very beautiful place – I have stayed at Karad beach – there are quite a few hotels just in front of the beach – the beach is a silent n clean & calm beach – not much people – the sea itself is very calm – but the view is amazing – one who loves reading – u can just sit here & read for hours – not a that developed place – but good accommodation facilities are der – but you don’t have any activities to do . Dapoli is not basically in the route – one have to go around 40 kms off the road – but that drive is also beautiful – I had dapoli on my list from long – so I have chosen dapoli – one can choose from many options like Dapoli/ Diveagar/ Ganpati Pule/ Ratnagiri/ Tarkarli – all are beautiful places

Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 10/15 by On & off the Roads

Day 2 – Goa calling - approx. 370 Kms – approx. 7 to 8 hrs

Starting from Dapoli to Goa via NH66, ohhh wat an amazing journey, Kashedi ghat-  all twist n turns, the hairpin bends – every riders dream road it is, lush greenery around, even at 12 noon u don’t feel d heat.  One can’t capture the beauty of roads in words, atleast I can’t. Lots of small breaks are available for juices n snacks n ofcourse photography.  

Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 11/15 by On & off the Roads

Goa – alcohol – na….daru sounds good to me – clubbing – the benefit of being alone is one don’t have to take care of a friend who’s to drunk & can’t handle himself/herself – u don’t necessarily have to behave – u can dance like no one’s watching, because most likely no one actually knows you & the chances that they will see you again are remote, just one thing to be taken care is to handle yourself. Dance till the leg hurts – talk to random people – take the most wanted break from routine – the routine of same work – seeing same people – having same conversations -  judging others, getting judged by others – Just take a break

Day 3 – Palolem beach – approx. 85 kms- 2 hrs

This route proves that Goa is just not about alcohol- churches – beaches – goa have more to it – goa have the amazing scenic beauty throughout its each end – n a diversified beauty

Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 12/15 by On & off the Roads

Palolem beach is like most of the beaches in goa but clean n a little less crowded as compared to north goa beaches. & the most beautiful part on the beaches is the shacks & the stay they provide exactly on the beach above the shacks . Known for its sunset, d beach also have two small thing which they call an island on its both end.  Apart from near by beach area u wont see much people or any activity around.

Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 13/15 by On & off the Roads

Day 4 – The typical goa style

Have alcohol at night till late – get up late – start the day around two – dyeing for food – lots of places who serve yummy food around – difficult to choose which to hit today –  roaming on d nearby beaches – n like the goa life starts at night – casino calling

Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 14/15 by On & off the Roads

Casino – gambling -  wandering how people can bet so much on one ball of a rolley  - trying to understand the games like blackjack, 3 cards poker & what not – loosing money  - winning again – seeing a whole lot of people, not able to understand how their minds work – chating with a few – having some conversations like ‘ that’s what I mean – exactly – ya, true – I was about to say ‘ - & some like ‘ may be , but I don’t think so – no, not true – may be, v share different opinion & had different experiences’ – Meeting some like minded people, some opposite people, some perfect blend of both – Difficult to know whats real & whats fake : whats luck & whats planned – Living everything behind d casino doors & just taking the amazing , first time experience with you  – Life is always good ….

Day 5 – Mumbai …no..but have to – Goa to mumbai via Chorla ghat

I have never seen a ghat like this – it don’t have a half km straight patch- It is so beautiful – but I made I mistake on this – without having a sleep at night & after having alcohol d day before– though not feeling the alcohol high – but body have d dehydration effects – I ride through this ghat & felt sick – had a severe head ache & motion sickness

Photo of Riding solo – Mumbai Goa Mumbai 15/15 by On & off the Roads

Not left with option but had to take a break – stopped at a hotel in Belgaum after travelling approx 120 kms only of 600 Kms planned. Took a proper sleep & whole day rest.

Day 6 – Started again for Mumbai without taking a halt – njoyed the 8 lane highways – four lane roads – NH4 – first time was going long @ 120kms speed….felt nostalgic knowing the jouney is cuming to an end…was going to miss the sensation of wind you feel while riding at the most scenic & at times dangerous of places

Hell of an experience

To all those out there who feel very safe for their Friends, Sisters, Girl friends,  Wife – let me tell you – the world is a very safe place – let them go out – take their chances – make their own mistakes -  learn on their own – their are also very good people out there like you – the experience you get when you r on your own, can’t be replaced with anything…. Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere & sometimes in the middle of nowhere you find yourself –

In LOVE with the roads – can’t fall for anything else I guess – only one thought going in my mind – which road to hit next -- You can always make money, you can’t always make memories

I learn more about myself while on roads than anywhere else – It’s given me the ‘I CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN' attitude – I hope you find it helpful & have your amazing experience….. Happy journey!!!

Photo of Chorla, Goa, India by On & off the Roads
Photo of Dapoli, Maharashtra, India by On & off the Roads
Photo of Goa, India by On & off the Roads
Photo of NH 66 by On & off the Roads
Photo of NH 66 by On & off the Roads
Photo of Palolem Beach, Goa, India by On & off the Roads