We don't often acknowledge the people around us and their contribution to making our lives better by every means. But that's ok, as long as you are willing to make up for it. Mistakes are fine but not making up for it, isn't fine.
One mistake that I personally made all through these years is not prioritizing the one who prioritizes me every single time. My Mother. This wonderful lady has always stood by me, understood me even when I didn't deserve and endlessly even today waits for the love and compassion that she should demand with pride.
This year, the best thing that I did was acknowledging the fact and acting towards it in order to somewhat treat her the way she deserves. To do so, I planned a surprise dinner for her this Diwali in one of the restaurants she always desired to go to - Madhuram (Virar, Mumbai).
We had Diwali celebrating as we do every year. Lots of diyas, colourful flowers and rangoli, tantalizing sweets and some must-have ethnic wear. We had our best time living it and she felt content in the same without demanding or hoping for anything more or better.
That's when the real surprise opened. I gently went to her, got down on my knees and asked her, "Hello beautiful! Would you like to go on a date with me?" She was all shocked and had no idea what was going on. She smiled and said, "dear honey! I have my date with you every single day we sit to eat together. I can't ask for more".
I told her I was asking her for real and was willing to take her out. She was partly in tears because this was all new to her. She made me stand, pushed her hand in my arms and said, " I'm ready. Let's go, honey! I was more than delighted too.
We had our cab arrive and headed to the hotel discussing what all we could eat. We reached the hotel and her eyes shined with the sparkles like a small child having found his most favourite toy. I couldn't hold my tears back. I realised I missed something so crucial.
We sat at our table and read out the menu for her. She's a big-time foodie and loves to start her dinner with crispy. We had that ordered followed by other favourite food items that my dear mother liked. I of course wasn't very pleased with the Brinjal Masala but her happiness made me eat that with pleasure too.
We had our desserts and settled down bills. We walked out of the restaurant feeling content both for their own reasons. She requested an excuse and went to a nearby shop and returned in a minute. I didn't inquire for details and we headed straight home. When we reached home, I asked her gently, "are you happy? And she replied with a surpriseful eye taking something secretly out and that was my favourite Cadbury. She then asked me, "Are you happy? And all I could do is hug her and complain that nobody else other than you knows how to make me happy.
This day undoubtedly is one of the best days I've ever had in my life. I'm also going to make sure I don't lose my real joy in the race of winning worldly joys.
Thank you.
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