Tadoba national park, one of the best places in India to spot Royal Bengal tiger. Not only tigers but also other wildlife viz. leopard, Indian wild dogs (Dhole), sloth bear, Indian bison (Gaur) etc. Tadoba is situated at a distance of 45-60 mins drive from the city of Chandrapur. Nearest railway station is at Chandrapur city and nearest airport is at Nagpur. From Nagpur you can either hire a cab for Tadoba or can travel by state transport bus to Chandrapur city whichever suits you better, it takes around four and a half hours to reach the park. For accommodation, there are resorts outside the park as well as MTDC (Maharashtra tourism development corporation) resort is also there which is managed by state government. Food is amazing here my recommendation would mutton or chicken curry. Bad part would be the climate, in summer its unbearably hot. Chandrapur is one of the districts in Vidarbha region where summer temperature shoots 40 degrees and winters are also equally extreme. But how does it matter, everything is of least concern when you get first hand experience of watching the king of jungle in the wild.