My town is called as ‘The city of Art’ and famous for its exquisite culture.
When you travel to Kolhapur one should not forget to experience the specialities of Kolhapur. My town is famous for various things like ‘Kolhapuri missal’ {spicy dish}, ‘Kolhapuri saaj’ {necklace}, and most famous all over world is ‘Kolhapuri Chappals’ {foot wears}
This foot wears are made from buffalo’s leather and are made since 13th century. This foot wears were being used by the Emperor of Kolhapur Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj, that’s why they are also said as ‘Royal foot wears’. This foot wears have various names like Kapashi, Paytaan, Kachkadi, Bakkalnali and Pukari. There are various ethnic designs in it.
This Chappals are known to last a lifetime if maintained well and not used in rainy season.
You can get this Chappals at Shivaji nagar which is also called as Chappal line in Kolhapur.