Kolad, minus world.

Photo of Kolad, minus world. 1/4 by Trippin' Tipsy
Photo of Kolad, minus world. 2/4 by Trippin' Tipsy
Photo of Kolad, minus world. 3/4 by Trippin' Tipsy
Photo of Kolad, minus world. 4/4 by Trippin' Tipsy

Kolad, just another nowhere, far-close (120 km) to a bustling city- Mumbai. Unreliable (Nil, mostly!) mobile network, just same weather as Mumbai's but a world apart- that's what Kolad is. Kolad is mainly popular for river rafting activity. Every weekend people tired of Mumbai's honks and screeches make their way to splash in river- Kundalika. Kolad has nothing much to offer, which builds a contrast between it and Mumbai. And Mumbaikars seem to be loving this contrast, the nothingness in particular. This is why it is one of the best weekend getaway from Mumbai.

On our trip to Kolad, we stayed in Pooja Farms, which again is in the middle of nowhere- no ATMs around, let alone an eatery (other than the in-house restaurant of the farm which only provides proper meals for limited time). This might sound like a pain in the ass; but no it is sometimes what you need- to walk barefoot on the wet grass, to lean on the bark and throwing out stones to see how the subtle lake ripples in the twilight, to not have constant calls and whatsapp notifications- above all we sometimes need to LIVE.

How to reach Kolad from Mumbai-

You always have the option of hiring a cab- which can cost you around 3-5k one side.

The cheapest way to reach Kolad is railway. Go for a 2.5 hours train journey to Kolad or Roha Railway Staion. One side journey would cost you Rs 20 per person. Don't expect a seat though because you'd be a part of the crowd.

For the return journey though- the train starts from Roha and stops at Panvel for some 5 minutes. You can be quick and grab your seat.

P.s- It would be ideal to carry mosquito repellent cream/ machine for a trip to