The Rajgad fort was chatrapati shivaji's one of the safest of all. The location and architechture was such that any enemy approaching towards the fort can be seen from a distance.The topmost point was balekila at a height of 1400 metres. The journey started from Pune and we drove till Pali village on National Highway-4. We reached at 4 pm and could see the sun setting with lush green mountains surrounding the village.
We marched towards the jungle with our backpacks and torches. The Pune rains started like a sprinkler, with the chanting of insects around us. Some of us were facing our fears as we were crossing jungle with total darkness where the only thing seen was front person's backpack.
It took 3 hours to reach the temple which was half of the total distance. We had local food in dinner and to beat the cold weather and celebrate the bond of friendship, we arranged for born fire to sit and talk for hours.
As per the plan we rose before the sun to capture the beauty of sunlight approaching the sky. The view was mesmerizing and will be there in our minds forever later in the bright sunlight, we saw shivaji maharaj's ancient canons which were used in the wars and breathtaking views of the nature polished with sunlight Their was one one such watch tower which was located in such a way that we all decided to go their despite of the fact that it would be a diversion from our path. as we reached there, each one of us thought that we would have missed a lot if we have skipped this. All us us looked at each other and thanked for making this trek possible. we returned back to the centre and started approaching towards balekilla. The route was kind of rock climbing where people were also coming down with the same narrow path. A fall from there would have created a domino effect. we finally reached balekila after understanding the whole architechture of the fort we decided to take a halt. We all were hungry and few of us decided to cook all of us jumped into the pan for the delicious lunch at the royal fort in a very uncivilized manner. We started going down with equal carefullness. The ruff terrain tore my shoes and I had to use a hankercheif for the sole to stick at its place. we returned back with a bag full of memories and experiences and most importantly with a stronger bond of friendship. We promised one thing to one another that this won't be the last trek for all of us.