Ajanta cave is a Buddhist monk built monument located in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, It is a UNESCO world heritage site.
Historians consider it was built between 200 CE to 480 CE. It is considered as one of the most valuable creations of Buddhist religious monuments. There are 29 caves which house one of the most exotic paintings and sculptures of ancient India. These caves are divided into Viharas and chaityas.
How to reach :
Hired a cab or taxi from Pune it costs us 10k for round trips. The distance is approx 335 km and takes almost 8 hours to reach.
From Pune, The journey to Ajanta is very long. We started a little late in the morning but it would be advisable if you are planning, then start early in the morning around 5-5:30. Then you could catch a beautiful sunrise in the countryside.
We reached Ajanta around 3 in the afternoon. As i visited during summer the Trek was hard as it was hot.
Timing of cave visit :
Ajanta caves open at 9 am and close at 6 pm in the evening though official timing is till 5 pm. It takes a lot of time to visit each cave. You can hire a guide who takes you to the most important caves and they charge around 1k.
Top attraction:
Ajanta cave was the residence of Buddhist monks during monsoon season. These caves were mainly built as part of a resting place for monks, merchants and pilgrims during their journey.
Chaityas - Monastery
Viharas - worship hall
Storage - food grain storage
Cave 1,2,16 and 17 house the ancient paintings.
The paintings and scriptures are all dedicated to birth and rebirth of Buddha and Buddhist deities.
The paintings in the caves are very well maintained, and it is among the oldest artifacts of ancient India.
Budget of the travel :
Cab charge : 10k
Tour guide : 1k
Food : 700
Entry fee : 10 per person