Some Simple Travel Tips Might Help You
Traveling is the best way to learn about the world, about ourselves, about others, about different cultures, about the way to approach life.
A life as a nomad in the continuous search for an understanding of the places visited, I have traveled a lot to understand that there is no enthusiasm, nor frenzy in travel. There is no need to do a lot (too much) all together, if not perhaps less but better.
This blog was born to tell about backpacking, travel with small budgets, solo travel, a world tour concluded, a way of traveling that has evolved and changed a lot over time.
He told my experience when I was traveling. Today he tells the experience of a journey called life, often the scenarios that I try to understand in depth change, not limiting myself to the classic must do.
I travel there are no must do, if not I want to.
This blog has become the tool I use to convey my experiences and the lessons I have learned, sure that many of you, who read me, live this moment of discovery in my own way and that therefore my thoughts can be useful for those who travel he experiences it as a personal, intimate and growth event.
Traveling better or with greater awareness, this is what the traveler does.

Avoid museums
I know, it might seem counterintuitive but I don't think it is, and I'll tell you why.
Imagine being in a moving city that you don't know, where is the point of going in search of its past without focusing on its living and current present?
I do not say not to go, I say do not go at all, I say to choose the ones you are interested in, otherwise your afternoon in this building will be nothing more and nothing less than a set of works of which you do not remember or the name of the artist nor his work for an overall waste of time.
Museums are important, I'm not saying the opposite, but the journey and the discovery are outside those walls. But not only. A museum requires time (a lot of time), objectivity, knowledge, it is that part of the journey that has to do with the "sense of duty", as if it were a shame to go to Madrid and not go to the Prado. Nothing happens if you don't, you feel more pleasure in experiencing something local like a nice DIY tour of TAPAS!

Attend the local bars and markets
It is in the bars and local markets that the life of the city reveals itself, it is here that the locals are well prepared to chat, it is here that you can stop and observe how life flows in this place unknown to you and a glimpse of life everyday unfolds. We have the task of opening our eyes and entering into the heart of life that flows in a way that is also habitual. It is in these places that you begin to feel part of a community.
Be open and let yourself be guided
The best tour guide is a local, proud to show his city and full of information perhaps not from a tour guide but with anecdotes that only those who have lived a good part of his life can provide.
Get out on the street, ask for information that implies that you are a tourist discovering the city, especially in Asia or in the Arab countries, it is very difficult not to find someone who wants to dedicate some time to you.

Travel alone, at least try it once
It is not the only way or the absolute best way to travel but it is certainly an experience that must be done at least once in a lifetime.
It is certainly a more tiring travel experience, no one takes care of you and everything revolves around your decisions but it is also the only real way to get to the heart of a country by abandoning the comforts of the orgonazzito group (which marks timetables, speaks the language and will still maintain a distance between you and the reality you are visiting, making you an external observer).
Never make comparisons
Do not compare prices, hygiene standards, quality of life, means of transport.
Not all places are the same, not all countries have our standards, there are no better places than others. You are on your way to discovery and it is your job as a traveler to probe all aspects of a given country without complaining about the conditions of the road, the food or the quality of the facilities where you sleep. It is you who must adapt and have everything you have at home with you will not happen, and if it does, it means that you are doing something wrong!

Learn English and if you don't speak it .. don't worry they will understand you
Speaking English is very important and it certainly facilitates communication in a large part of the world so I don't stop repeating it: study it! But if you don't speak it don't worry, it's amazing to see how communication is possible between people who don't speak the same languages. Somehow and some arcane mystery I talked for 1 month with the Arabs without knowing a single word. The eyes, facial expressions, gestures. You are unstoppable and able to overcome language barriers! Plan your travels from exclusive travel booking websites.
Don't go around the world if you have 2 months left
It is much better to stay in one city for four or five days than to visit five cities in one week. A city is like a mysterious woman, take your time to understand it and let yourself be seduced. You cannot understand a city in 2 days, your judgment would be hasty and spoiled by what others have written or said and there could be nothing of yours.
Don't be in a hurry to have everything right away. 2 months are enough to travel in 1 maximum 2 countries.