We visited 21 countries in total during our Round the World trip. Here are the stats when it comes to the finances.
Most Expensive Countries:
- Tibet
- US
- Japan
- Singapore
- South Korea
Most Inexpensive Countries:
- Indonesia
- Laos
- Cambodia
- Vietnam
- Bolivia
Expense Guidelines by Country (FOR 2 PEOPLE):
£1000 to £1400 = Average cost of travelling per month including travel in:
India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Phillipines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, China, Peru, Bolivia
£1800 to £2200 = Average cost of travelling per month including travel in:
Hong Kong, South Korea, Chile, Argentina, Brazil
£2500 to £3500 = Average cost of travelling per month including travel in:
US, Japan, Singapore,
£4500 = Cost of travelling per month, stay, private transportation, Guides, Permits etc:
Cost – Long International Flights:
A lot of people ask whether to buy the ‘Round the world’ tickets. We decided not to go for it. And I think it was a good decision. Looking at what we could buy for £2084 per person you can decide for what your trip has to offer.
These are the important expensive flights, there were more.

Finally …..
Finally the big question is that total spend. After making our mind up to go travelling on 23 August 2013, it took us 2 years 3 months to pack our bags and hit the road so we had enough time to save. After everything roughly the total comes to £24,200 two of us spent travelling the world for approx 12 months. It is roughly US$36,300 or INR 24,20,000 or EUR 33,400. Of course one needs to account for the loss of earnings and savings over around 14-15 month period.
What Next ..
We are back in London, planning to work and save until our next adventure …
More story and pictures on my blog www.planetmnm.com
This was first published on PlanetMnM.