I love going to treks, it is one of the thing that i am very much passionate about no matter how tired i am after the journey. I will never give up on trekking. So one day i invited my roommates to join me for the trekking as they never always hate trekking. i assured them visiting this place might make them tired but will also make them fall in love with the amazing view and will also give them a new hobby or at least take away the hate they had for trek.
So this place is called Duke's Nose or Nagphani. To reach this place you can hire a cab after getting down to lonavala station. But i prefer visiting this place by your own private vehicle. If you wish to watch a sunrise over her i will prefer you plan one day stay at lonavala and then start your trek next day early morning. Getting to this place will be tricky using google map. But localite's are very helpful they will guide you if you ask them. You can also hire a guide but i don't think hiring a guide is necessary because there is no complication in routes once you get the start point. There are trails so its not very complicated trek. The only complication is time reaching to top of the mountain and little slippery and very tiny trails. I often visit this place so it usually takes me 45-60 mins taking breaks in between. But this time as i went with my roommates it took me little bit longer. They were tired and started complaining about the trek because the journey was quiet long. The trek height is 3,200 ft. Based on the difficulty i would say like a medium level difficult but ever first timer treks can also visit here. So after few hustle and complaining we finally reached the top of the mountain after one and half hour. As i promised they were mesmerized with the view. looking down from 3,200 ft gives a rough chill. standing on the edge of the mountain, sitting there just thinking about yourself. Duke's nose is best place to get peace. you might find few people trekking along your way. Mostly this place is visited during the rainy season because of waterfall and glamours beauty of mountain between the clouds with drops of rain makes is more precious.
There are two parts of this mountain at one part you will find a small temple, but that side is protected by railing so you can't feel the edge of the cliff. Whereas the other part where i usually visit there is no safety it is too risky to be at the edge so i advice to be safe and try it at your own risk. It is really very windy so i prefer do not stand or sit at the very edge point. As we were descending and as i promised my roomma0tes did come back with some good memories and a new passion for trekking.
Details :
Name : Duke's nose
How to reach : Private vehicle (preference) or hire a cab from lonavala station
Height: 3,200 ft.
Difficulty : Meduim
Time : 1-2 hours
Please do not try doing any kind of stunt during ascending or descending the mountains and not even while standing at the edge of it.