The Indus and Zanskar confluence

16th Oct 2017

The Indus and Zanskar concursion

Photo of The Indus and Zanskar confluence by Somnath

What happens when the two big rivers Indus and Zanskar collide.?

Day 3

The answer is in the photos,but you must visit Nimmu village in Leh to witness the magic and confluence.The concursion takes place exactly at Nimmu village near Ladakh surrounded by the captivating mountains of the Trans Himalayas.

Photo of Leh by Somnath

If you are really adventurous and enthusiastic,you can even go for a cruise ride to witness the confluence and observe the color differences of the two rivers.Indus and Zanskar are big names in the river dictionary but very people get to see the merger happening in Leh,

The scene is a memorable one and one should catch the beauty in the lenses so that the place makes you remember about this happening so that you can go again and witness the real beauty and magic.The mountains looks ravishing and mighty surrounding the two rivers and creates a supreme panorama for travel photographers.

Photo of The Indus and Zanskar confluence by Somnath

It takes an hour drive from Leh to witness this magical concursion of the two rivers and can be covered in a days time.In the mean while you also get to witness the sight seeing of Leh covered by the enchanting mountains of The Trans Himalayas.There are other attractions like the War memorial,some Buddhist stupas and monastries proclaiming the importance of the religion.The concursion is an important pardigm in the topography of India and we are really lucky to have witnessed and observe this sight in front of our eyes.
