The world is a long journey. Only after a long way, we could see the brilliant night and back to the soul.
When landing at Haneda Airport, it seems like the scene in “Norwegian Wood” by Murakami Haruki: “The huge airframe plunged through the dense cloud cover on approach to the airport. The cold rain drenched the earth.” However, we were not influenced, because the exciting 11 days Japanese journey is waiting.

It was almost six p.m. when we checked in minshuku. There is no time for us to slip around, so we all pay attention to the dinner. We just had Arashiyama cherry cake this afternoon, in fact, we were not such hungry.
It`s barely have inspirations on food when you`re not hungry.
However, one of our Kyoto friends had recommended a wonderful restaurant, so we took out the restaurant card.
「自然派饭菜町家食堂」 on 「松富や寿いちえ」 card attracted us . You know, plenty meat
and fish had no attractions to people who were not hungry. Our friend told she often went to 「松富や寿いちえ」for some delicious bentoes.
「Well, that`s it」! We made the decision instantly.

According to the map on card, 「松富や寿いちえ」 was near the cross between Sanjo-dori and Yanaginobaba. Firstly we try to go by metro, but the location was between 「Kyoto Shiyakusho」station and「Karasuma-Oike」station, then we decided to take train to 「Kyoto Shiyakusho」 station and walk through Honnouji to it.
From teramachidōri to the south, turn right at Sanjo-dori, then the forth alley isYanaginobaba. Then turn left at Yanaginobaba, you could see the 「松富や寿いちえ」 is on the right side.
The new and old buildings scattered in this area, and 「松富や寿いちえ」 is one of the Kyomachiya buildings.

All the dinner cuisines were shown on the front door blackboard. In fact, there`s no menu for dinner, just 「野菜たっぷりコース」-2,940 yen. And it will cook with all food that the host bought.
Because of the recommendation of our friend, we didn’t make the reservation. And we afraid it would be awkward if there`s no seat when we get here.
After we entered, we told the waiter that only two of us. Considering some customers may ignore the blackboard note, the waiter asked if it was fine for us that only one type for the dinner. After we figure out his questions with guessing, the waiter led us to the table.

What a surprise, we were the only guests here! !!!
So lucky! !All this made us believe that we booked the entire place.
We asked the waiter if it was fine to take photos here and he said it`s fine just avoid the flash in order not to disturb other guests. Considered only two of us here, the waiter said with smile that it’s ok by using flash.

The whole building retained the old structure, and almost 6-8 tables on the first floor.
On the right side behind the door was the kitchen, on the left side there were some self-service rice, miso soup and ice boiled water.

Besides the drink menu on the table, there was a note about the food in 「松富や寿いちえ」, which is “all of food materials were organic and safe”.

The blackboard near the rice and soup introduced the dinner-total eight dishes.

Even though it`s winter, but the bear was necessary one.

The first dish was 「Home-made organic Tofu」. For some unknown reasons, the picture was always blurry no matter where is the camera focus.
Unlike the ordinary Tofu in the market, the organic Tofu smelt very well, and had very delicate taste. As the first dish, it completely refreshed us all.

The waiter would introduce the food carefully even though we couldn`t understand Japanese well. In such case, we could only guess and ask.
「おばんざい」means home cuisines. Both the shredded burdock and komatsuna were fresh and sweet. Unlike the ordinary rough and hard burdock, this one tasted different. Both two cold dishes had the flavor of crispy and tasty of vegetable.
The dish on the left side seemed like mashed potatoes, but we have no idea what it really was. However, it tasted like wonderful mashed potatoes.

Rice (Brown rice) and miso soup were self-service here.
Honestly, I didn`t care any healthy diet. It`s impossible for me to give up delicacy because of some healthy diet. Therefore, have no interest in brown rice.
But the Japanese rice was so wonderful even for brown rice that I ate two more bowls of rice with these cuisines.

もずく was one seaweed called Ectocarpus (Cladosiphon okamuranus), growing on coral reef of Ryukyu, and looked like Kelp. It said that もずく was the health food in Ryukyu. With full of dietary fiber, もずく could improve immunity and anti-oxidation.
もずく should be ate =with plum vinegar, since the dulcacidous taste is matched with rice.

Boiled with codfish juice, each potherb was more fresh and sweet. With the nice water and soil, the potherb in Kyoto had natural advantages, and the codfish juice just played the role well in the cuisines. Even the radish became so wonderful.

The roasted butter potato, I only got the words of “extremely scrumptious” to describe and eat quickly!

After pickled with salad juice for red pepper, yellow pepper, tomato, mushroom and turnip, then roasted a bit, the fragrant and sweet flavor of the dish would be stronger.
The final dish was fried chicken with warm vegetable. The whole fried chicken was crisp and juicy. The sauce on the chicken is very good for decreasing the grease.

And the desserts were black sesame cheese and red bean cake. The black sesame flavor smelt natural and rich, and totally covered the smell of red bean cake. Now I couldn`t remember how the red bean cake tastes like, but the black sesame was still there.
Some other customers were shown up when our desserts came. I fully enjoyed these local private home cuisines, full of delicacy and surprise.
Summary: Experience the local appetite happiness? Join 「松富や寿いちえ」! Enjoy the private home cuisines with traditional taste and in quiet environment.