We were never posted to Gujarat in all of my husbands tenure. So we decided to go to Gujarat. and what better time than in February to visit Rann of Kutch during festival time...but true to our nomadic soul...we wanted an experience....not just a visit....so we decided to stay in tents and do it the Banjara way....at Shaam e Sarhad.....come with me....

......the entrance

........the reception..

.......the lounge....

....early morning....at the lounge

.......the colorful ceiling details against the backdrop of their local white-pop-with-glass art

.....our TENTS.....

......with doors and windows...

......the warmth.....the luxury......YES!

.......attached, private washroom....

.....basics ...in style......the dry area divided from wet area by wall...

......the dry area....the wash basin with the framed mirror....

....day break...

....heralding a beautiful day....

....early morning cuppa chai....

....breakfast at the dining hall.....

.....helpers ready to serve....

.......the handwash.....

....tents selling local handicraft fare.....

.....besides tents, bhunga style mud hut accomodation....

....inside the bhungas....

.....what a headboard....

....as we head towards the White rann of kutch, we visit a handicrafts village....

......with all their local handicrafts.....

....where art students freeze art in paper and charcoal...
....on our way to the white rann of kutch....

....we are here atlast....

.......endless stretch of white.......sand? no......snow? no......

....its crystalline salt!!

......playing around...

.......as the sun sets...

....we proceed to our homes in our tents...

......with the evening lights on.....the tents look mysterious....

...the locals entertain.....as dusk descends.....and we lounge and listen to folk tunes...as another day ends...