Our most delightful experience in Shangarh was the day trek to Ganjau Thatch – an alpine meadow which took us one and a half hours to climb, slightly less time to return. We hike at an easy pace, imbibing the beauty of creation at each step and turn and taking time for crafting memories with pictures and videos.
We also spent a leisurely hour at the rolling greens of Ganjau just enjoying the unparalleled beauty at the top while being tossed in the cliched whirlpool in our minds – contemplating on life, our journey so far, what lay ahead and the paths we wanted to take now!
So why Shangarh? Having read a couple of stirring blogs and seen some captivating pictures we wanted to explore it for ourselves before it became too touristy. And the Summer of 22 saw us here in Sainj Valley – a still lesser known part of Himachal Pradesh, the hamlet just about 35 kms east of Aut in the same GHNP eco zone as Gushiani in Tirthan Valley while Kullu is 30 kms north of Aut.
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#Ganjauthatch #Shangarh #SainjValley #HimachalPradesh #OffbeatHimachal #Easytreks