Day 1
A photograph click by our trek mate Dr.Sandip Patel . Expression in this photo is so wonderful . This photo take on route From Kasol Base Camp to Graham higher camp during our Sarpass trek

Day 2
I think my lovely sisters makeover my girlish look. And enjoying on front of camera.This photo taken at menathatch higher camp site .

Day 3
Mountain view with dark photography .
Such a wonderful photo click at most dangerous camp site NAGARU 12,500 feet high altitude .
Such a wonderful photo click at most dangerous camp site NAGARU 12,500 feet high altitude .

Day 4
Finally we done our half way & destination also and it's a SARPASS .5th day of our trekking is very long distance trek .early morning 3am we flag off from NAGARU to beskeri camp site and cross our destination Sarpass at noon.

Day 5
Last & amazing camp site of our trek and it's Bandhak Thatch camp .this camp site looking like a mini Switzerland.After 7 days long duration trekking , adventure and Photography our camera battery is empty. Now we are turn on to mobile photography. My trek mate Dr. Bhadresh Prajapati captured this beautiful photo with snow covered mountain peak of parvati valley.