Would you believe if I would say that there is an ultimate and very unique salt health resort lies at 135 meter underground ? Yeah, you read it right. Salt health Resort. That is nothing but A Salt Kingdom located in Southern Poland city Krakow.
This Wieliczka Salt Mine, a health resort and the oldest operating salt mine in the history is the place to experience that healing power of salt beneath the surface.

During my Poland stay, while planning an itinerary for a trip to the second largest polish city - Krakow, Wieliczka was on the bottom of the list.
But, after a couple of recommendations and with sixth sense for travelling, I chose it as a first exploration in Krakow and trust me, my sense worked very well.
We reached early in the morning and booked the first slot of 9 AM, chose a tourist route to visit the salt mine.
We got our tickets and English speaking Polish guide. Our salt trail to this hidden underground gem commenced with needful instructions. The unique one was - Breath deeply during entire trail.

The entrance was wooden laden lobby with 17th century shaft, from where we got down to 380 stairs to reach the first level - Bono and the salt stories were thereafter our company along with very knowledgeable and enthusiastic guide for entire trail of 2.5 km around and 23 chambers on the way.
Upon my query for the safety of mine, we were informed and shown the beam pillars, bolting, wooden casing, walls with salt blocks and more. All these are the techniques used to secure this historical mine.

There it was.. Cauliflower on the walls and ceiling , it felt like a farm of cauliflower all around!
Next moment, we were testing it upon the guide's instruction. It was real salt. Wow..A salty cauliflower or cauliflower of salt?

Suddenly, I realized that I was in a meditation like state in this mysterious mine. The air was so pure that it felt like the rarest great breathing time I was experiencing and the reason was exceptional bio-climate of this place.

All 23 chambers along the trail on three levels down the 800 steps were evidences about the mine work culture of this salt kingdom - the holy chapels, sculptures, chandeliers, floor, ceilings everything around us was salt.

Truly magical! But, still, what we witnessed was only 1 % of this grand mine having total 9 levels and 245 km of route with deepest point at 327 meter underground.

The whole new salt universe in the shades of grey, black, brown and white!

Even if you opt to choose for just a visit to the salt mine, this would leave you rejuvenating.
So, how about to make your stay here in the extraordinary salt chambers of health resort situated at 135 meter underground and in the vicinity of salt lake; the perfect for your respiratory system and all that your body needs to replenish.

Resort offerings
This resort has multitude of offerings for your stay - like a night's stay , 1 day package, 3 days package and such. This is a resort cum rehabilitation center where specific treatments are also provided based on consultation.

The constant low temperature around 13-14 degree centigrade, the high bacteriological purity of the air, the high content of sodium chloride, magnesium and calcium ions all these make the underground world heritage site a great stay - good for your mood and great for your body!
Wonder how did this happen; a mine, a resort ?Well, it is oleon Boczkowski’s initiative to offer salt mud bath, saline bath and inhalations - a bathing establishment in Wieliczka (1839), thereafter developments are on.

Chambers of the resort
Smok Chamber
Wessel Lake Chamber
The Boczkowski Chamber
The Eastern Mountain Stable Chamber
Why is it a must visit?
Unique on global scale and Poland's most visited tourist site, this “Wieliczka” Salt Mine Health Resort is a medical center providing therapeutic and recreational programs by conducting healing activities at a depth of 135 meters.
About that hungry stomach
Karczma Górnicza - a 125 meter underground eatery is where you can grab your dose of energy.
The other one is on the surface Grand Sal Hotel Restaurant.
What makes this a healing Gem?
All thanks to the high bacteriological purity of the air and the high content of sodium chloride, magnesium and calcium ions. To take advantage of the extraordinary properties of the underground health resort, you do not have to be ill.
And what more..
Redy for one more UNESCO treasure on the same premise? Here you go.
Visit the Krakow Saltworks Museum, one of the largest mining museum of Europe. This can be covered in two parts. One part come in the tourist route of salt mine at 135 meter depth , level 3.
The other one is Saltworks Castle, a 5 minute walk from mine entrance.
If, want to explore other historic gem, visit the Auschwitz Birkenau along with this salt mine.

A must to visit on your trip to the beautiful and inviting Northern Central European country - Poland.
In a pollution- and allergen-free atmosphere, discover the secrets of healing power of salt at this Heritage Salt Kingdom.
Visit it to believe its other worldly charm of secondary crystalized salt and for all those underground treasures.
Make Beautiful Memories!
Travel for fulfilment!