The Statue of Women Safety and Honor is dedicated at the Jatayu Earth Center by the largest bird sculpture in the entire globe. The bird represents the bravery and gallantry of a bird who once guarded a woman's honour.
In Chadayamangalam, Kollam, Kerala, India, the Jatayu Earth Center recreates an important chapter from the ancient Indian epic Ramayana on a massive scale.
Jatayu was referred to as the "King of Vultures" in Ramayan mythology. Jatayu made an attempt to save the goddess Sita who was purportedly being kidnapped by the demon Ravana. Jatayu fought Ravana bravely, but ravana outclassed him and broke his wings, leading Jayatu to tumble to the ground. Rama and Lakshmana were searching for Sita when they came across the sick and dying Jatayu, who informed them of the encounter with Ravana and that Ravana had fled to the south. When Jatayu passed away from his wounds, Rama performed his rites of passage.
Local legend in Kerala holds that Jatayu is thought to have fallen to his death on the rocks of Chadayamangalam in the Kollam district.
The Jatayu sculpture measures 200 feet long, 150 feet broad, and is 75 feet high.
India's Jatayu statue is located at a height of 1000 feet
Visitors can either take a cable car up to the top, where the Jatayu sculpture is located, or they can climb 826 stairs.
You can also choose to take a helicopter ride to treat your eyes to an aerial view of the spectacular Jatayu sculpture and its surroundings.
A specifically built observation spot at the Jatayu Earth Centre's summit offers a 360-degree panoramic view of surroundings.
The entrance fee at the Jatayu Earth Center is INR 200, plus INR 250 for the cable car ride up and back, plus taxes.
At the ticket counter, only cash is accepted.
Put on comfortable clothing. Cotton is preferred. Wear comfortable footwears.