want to go back to 1902? want to taste the bona fide Jewish food? want to savour the cocktail nostalgia? Nahoum's standing right in the heart of kolkata to smack you pleasantly. around 115 years old bakery shop was once built by Mr. Nahoum Israel Mordecai, a Baghdadi Jew. and Then it clutched all attention of the British by its tang and punch. soon it became a sensation through its wide range of items such as fresh-baked sweets and savouries - fruit cakes, heart-shaped sponges, chicken patties, lemon tarts, hand-made biscuits, rum balls, mutton, chicken puffs and chicken samosas to locals.
The best part of it is that, your tongue senses the same smack, you experienced years back. now its run by Mordecai's grandson. during Israeli holidays (during September) this bakery offers special mouth-watering desserts.
where can I find it?
reach the turn-twist-zig-zag New market, and then straight to Hogg market. Ask anyone for this bakery. Expect the maze-like route to reach there. all is worthy.
Timing: Try to reach around 11 am in the morning. the favourite items might get quaffed in turbo. In the evening around 7-8pm is good time to reach there. In special days like Christmas, expect queues.