Well being a Kolkatan I used to take pride in knowing almost all its famous streets. But I was proved wrong when a friend of mine asked me about Zakaria Street and I realised I had absolutely no idea about it. How ignorant am I????
Nonetheless after a detailed research we decided to visit it but when that was not sure. As I am a foodie, waiting for that “one day” was taking me no where.... so sudden plan.... and we were at Zakaria Street..... just few days before Eid......tadaaa!!!!!
It is quite an easy to place locate. We used the gps and in no time we were there.
The easiest route is to come down to MG Road via Metro and walk towards MD Ali Park. Once reached the park cross the road and one will find a big gate. Keep on walking straight through the gate and you will reach the much crowded centre of the place. One can take a tun-tun rickshaw also from MG Road Metro Station (Gate 1). The place is located around the magnificent Nakhoda Mazjid.
You will find huge kadhais with boiling milk and sugar syrup, which would surely tantalise your taste buds. Another fact that would please your foodie desire is the not so hefty price tags of the delicacies served there.
As we had researched about the food there, we tried to locate Tashkeen- famous for Chicken Changezi (seriously yummy dish). To satisfy your sweet tooth you can also pack some sevain (vermicelli). Or taste some authentic breads like ‘sarmaal’.
Since it was Ramadan it was highly crowded. One can find all sorts of foodies and photographers at all the corners of the street. It was an altogether a different experience visiting Zakaria Street.
Oh!!! Dont forget to taste their ‘halim’!!!

And if your wandering spirit wants some more you can definitely pay a visit to Kolkata’s very own “Book World”- College Street. Even if you do not intend to buy any book this place will never fail to create a nostalgic feeling. Who can forget the smell of old books which have their own charm!!!!! And the famous and classic Indian Coffee House!!!
Way to reach-
Keep on walking straight towards MD Ali Park and adjacent to it there is a lane. Walk straight and take the first right turn and then left and you will reach the Hindu Hostel i.e. the college street area!!!!

Taste their Halim it can really give you a much desired taste burst.
Try Chengiz Khan’s chicken (Chicken Changezi) with Roomali Roti and Faluda. They also do a variety of Grilled Fish.
For all the North Indian food lovers and try their Chicken Afghani.