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Panhala Fort
📍 Panhala Fort, MaharashtraView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:October to February

⏰ Open Hours:All days of the week from sunrise to sunset

🏞 Things To Do:Explore the fort, photography, enjoy panoramic views, visit nearby temples

💰 Entry Fees:No entry fee

🧳 Traveller Types:History buffs, photographers, adventure seekers

🔖 Known For:Historical significance, architecture, panoramic views, Andhar Bavai (secret passage), Teen Darwaza

📍 Distances:20 km from Kolhapur Railway Station, 28 km from Kolhapur Airport, 220 km from Pune

📌 Tip:Wear comfortable shoes for easy exploration of the fort.

📷 Must-See:Sajja Kothi, a major attraction within the fort

🍽 Nearby Eateries:Local eateries are available nearby for traditional Maharashtrian cuisine

🛌 Accommodation:Few budget accommodations are available nearby

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Panhala Fort: A Historical and Cultural Treasure in Kolhapur

Panhala Fort is a majestic hill fort that stands proudly on the edge of the Sahyadri mountain range in Kolhapur district of Maharashtra. It is one of the largest and most important forts in the Deccan region, with a rich and glorious history that spans over eight centuries. Panhala Fort was the witness and the battleground of many wars and events that shaped the destiny of India, especially during the Maratha era. It was also the home and the refuge of some of the most remarkable figures in Indian history, such as Shivaji, Tarabai, and Moropant Pingle.

If you are a history buff, a nature lover, or an adventure seeker, Panhala Fort is a must-visit destination for you. You will be amazed by the stunning views of the valley below, the impressive structures and monuments inside the fort, and the intriguing stories and legends that surround this place. You will also enjoy the pleasant climate, the fresh air, and the serene atmosphere of this hill station.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Panhala Fort, including its history, architecture, attractions, and tips for visiting. We will also share some insights and interesting facts that you may not find elsewhere. So, read on and discover why Panhala Fort is a historical and cultural treasure in Kolhapur.

History of Panhala Fort

Photo of Panhala Fort 1/1 by
(c) Holidify.com

Panhala Fort has a long and eventful history that dates back to the 12th century. It was built by Bhoja II, the king of the Shilahara dynasty, who ruled over southern Maharashtra. The fort was strategically located on a major trade route that connected the Arabian Sea with the Deccan Plateau. The fort was designed to withstand enemy attacks and to store large quantities of food and ammunition.

Over the centuries, Panhala Fort changed hands several times among different dynasties and empires, such as the Yadavas, the Bahamanis, the Adil Shahis, the Mughals, and the British. However, it was under the Marathas that Panhala Fort reached its peak of glory and fame.

Panhala Fort was one of the favorite forts of Shivaji, the founder of the Maratha Empire. He captured it from the Adil Shahis in 1659 and made it his capital for some time. He also renovated and fortified it with new bastions, gates, and walls. Panhala Fort was also the site of one of the most daring and legendary escapes in Indian history. In 1660, Shivaji was besieged by a large Mughal army led by Siddi Johar at Panhala Fort. He managed to break through the siege with a small group of loyal followers by disguising himself as a palanquin bearer. He then fought his way to Vishalgad Fort with his trusted general Tanaji Malusare.

Panhala Fort was also the place where Tarabai, the widow of Shivaji’s son Rajaram, was crowned as the queen regent of the Maratha Empire in 1700. She ruled from Panhala Fort for seven years and fought bravely against the Mughals. She was assisted by her loyal minister Moropant Pingle, who was also buried at Panhala Fort after his death.

Architecture of Panhala Fort

Panhala Fort is a marvel of engineering and architecture that reflects the influence of various cultures and styles. The fort covers an area of about 7 square kilometers and has a perimeter of about 14 kilometers. It has three layers of fortifications: an outer wall, an inner wall, and a citadel. The fort has about 110 structures inside it, including gates, bastions, monuments, temples, water tanks, granaries, palaces, and barracks.

Some of the most notable structures inside Panhala Fort are:

Andhar Bavadi: A hidden well that was used as a secret water source in case of a siege. It is said that Shivaji used this well to escape from Siddi Johar’s army.

Ambarkhana: A massive granary that could store up to 25,000 khandis (about 1.5 lakh kilograms) of grain. It was built by Ibrahim Adil Shah II in 1588 and later used by Shivaji.

Sajja Kothi: A beautiful palace that was used as a prison by Aurangzeb for his son Sambhaji. It is also known as Sunset Point because it offers a spectacular view of the sunset over the valley.

Teen Darwaza: A triple gate that was the main entrance to the fort. It has a carved arch and a watchtower on top. It was also the place where Shivaji met his childhood friend and future enemy Afzal Khan for the first time.

Wagh Darwaza: A tiger-shaped gate that was used as a secret exit by Shivaji and his men during their escape from Panhala Fort. It is also known as Khidki Darwaza or Window Gate because it has a small window-like opening on the side.

Someshwar Temple: A temple dedicated to Lord Shiva that was built by Bhoja II in the 12th century. It is one of the oldest and most sacred temples in Panhala Fort. It has a shivalinga, a nandi, and a water tank inside it.

Attractions of Panhala Fort

Panhala Fort is not only a historical site but also a tourist attraction that offers many things to do and see. Some of the attractions of Panhala Fort are:

1. Valley View:

Panhala Fort is situated at an altitude of about 850 meters above sea level and offers a breathtaking view of the valley below. You can see the green fields, the winding roads, and the villages from the fort. You can also enjoy the sunrise and the sunset from various points in the fort.

2. Panhala Museum:

Panhala Museum, also known as New Palace, is a museum that showcases the history and culture of Panhala Fort and its rulers. It has a collection of weapons, armors, paintings, coins, sculptures, and other artifacts related to Panhala Fort. It also has a statue of Shivaji and a replica of his throne.

3. Trekking:

Panhala Fort is a paradise for trekkers who love to explore the nature and the history of this place. There are many trekking trails around Panhala Fort that lead to different places, such as Vishalgad Fort, Pavankhind Pass, Masai Plateau, and Jyotiba Temple. You can also trek inside Panhala Fort and visit its various structures and monuments.

4. Local Cuisine: Panhala Fort is also a place where you can taste the local cuisine of Kolhapur. You can try some of the famous dishes, such as misal pav, kolhapuri chicken, pandhra rassa, tambada rassa, and kolhapuri bhel. You can also enjoy some snacks, such as kanda bhaji, vada pav, and bhakri.

Tips for Visiting Panhala Fort

If you are planning to visit Panhala Fort, here are some tips that will help you make your trip more enjoyable and comfortable:

Timings: Panhala Fort is open from 9 AM to 6 PM every day. The entry fee is free for everyone.

Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit Panhala Fort is from October to February when the weather is pleasant and cool. You can avoid the summer heat and the monsoon rains during this period.

How to Reach: Panhala Fort is easily accessible by road from Kolhapur city, which is about 20 kilometers away. You can take a bus, a taxi, or an auto-rickshaw from Kolhapur to reach Panhala Fort. You can also drive your own vehicle to Panhala Fort. The nearest railway station is Kolhapur railway station, which is about 23 kilometers away. The nearest airport is Pune airport, which is about 250 kilometers away.

Where to Stay: There are many options for accommodation near Panhala Fort, ranging from budget hotels to luxury resorts. You can choose according to your preference and budget. Some of the popular places to stay near Panhala Fort are MTDC resort, Valley View Grand Resort, Hotel Hill Top, and Hotel Center Point.

What to Eat: There are many restaurants and eateries near Panhala Fort that serve delicious food at reasonable prices. You can find both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options here. Some of the recommended places to eat near Panhala Fort are Hotel Gavkari, Hotel Meghdoot, Hotel Rajat Executive, and Hotel Sai Prasad.

Panhala Fort is a historical and cultural treasure in Kolhapur that deserves your attention and admiration. It is a place where you can learn about the glorious past of India, admire the splendid architecture of the fort, enjoy the scenic beauty of the valley, and have fun with your friends and family. Panhala Fort is a destination that will leave you with unforgettable memories and experiences.

So, what are you waiting for? Book your tickets now and visit Panhala Fort soon.

Panhala Fort Reviews

The Panhala Fortis at a distance of 18 km from Kolhapur and about 13 km from Jotiba temple. Panhala city which hosts this beautiful fort is a hill station. The fort was ruled by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and is the only place where he stayed for more than 500 days other than his childhood home. Though there are only remains of the original fort, you can still see a few places like Dhan Bhandar, Amber Khana, huge entrance doors with the surrounding boundary walls, a magical well whose water level always remains the same and never dries out in addition to the breath taking view of Kolhapur city from the fort.
Photos of Panhala Fort
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