Although I have very Vague memories of this trip as I have lost my Fast brain in recent years due to overthinking but I will try to Recall as Much as I can and Present you with all I remember.I think I was in 11th class at the Time and My Sister Had got good Marks in her Boards but I failed after We returned from the trip as my result was not out at the Time of the Trip.So I don't Know whose idea was it to go this side But on the positive Note I got a kick of Travel from that day and now that is all that I want to do and still trying methods to make travel my lifelong companion.So guys I think at this Point I will point out why we went on a Trip So late in our lives .So my Parents are both Working parents and My father as A doctor had many Transfers during our childhood ,So as a A Family we rarely traveled anywhere expect to meet Dad sometimes or going to my Mom's and Dad's family side for holidays ,that too once in a year.So I was Partially Glad that we took this Trip .Although After that Trip I was always one to Make travel plans in the upcoming years ,most of which I took Solo,And I am Hoping to explore more and more options to Travel and get paid for it as well so as I am not tagged as the Common Stereotype of Just Roaming Around , which is very wrongly associated with Travelling as A career and Indian Parents are too worried about Travelling in India.Coming Back to the story So we hired Some Van and headed to Rishikesh,The Yoga Capital ,Which I got to know after many years .I Don't remember much about the Journey but I do remember that our Goal was to See the National Park located in that Vicinity but to our utter disappointment It rained heavily the Previous Night and The Next day we Could just barely saw deers and Nothing else .After that trip we took A trip to Kerala Just after 7 years .I will Write About that how things change with time and how Important it is to change with time and Become Mature and Responsible .Also don't lose Yourself too and Maintain a Balance Between being Serious and playful.I did not a A have a camera then,So these are some Pics I could Find from the Trip.