After 7 hours and 350 kms on road, we reached our home stay in Vythiri. With the luxury of having our own vehicle, we started driving around and found this neat little cafe on the national highway at Lakkidi. Our host for the night was a very smart young guy who started talking to us about our plans. He listed all the things we could do in and around Vythiri. Then, he mentioned this phenomenon about a growing chain tree, merely 500 mts away. Naturally our curiosity grew and we bombarded him with a bunch of questions. Keep reading to know the story.
The story dates back to a time when the British ruled India. They used to transport spices from Wayanad to Beypore Port, Kozhikode via the Kuttiady route. Due to the distance they started searching for a new route. As only the local tribes were aware of the paths through the forests. A tribal leader from the Paniya tribe named Karinthandan Moopan in Wayanad was sought for help.
Karinthandan Moopan:
The chief Karinthandan showed the British engineer route to Lakkidi. This is where the Thamarassery Ghat Pass was built. It is along the national highway NH 212 that connects Kozhikode with Wayanad. The ghat pass begins from Adivaram (downhills), while coming from Kozhikkode and ends at Lakkidi (the first village of Wayanad district). To take all the credit for discovery the engineer killed Karinthandan.

Accidents started to occur at the end of the pass, the entrance to Lakkidi on the national highway . Every passerby experienced unnatural events and would meet with inexplicable accidents. Locals believed that the spirit of the chief was angry and was taking revenge. After several such cases, the villagers approached a priest. He then chained the spirit to the Ficus tree with giant lock chains, binding it there for eternity. Since then the bizarre accidents have stopped. Vehiclists stop and pray to the tree for letting them pass by safely. Villagers offer prayer to this tree till date.
The Chain tree:
When the priest performed the rituals, the spirit of Karinthandan was literaly chained to the tree. Over several decades the tree has grown and the chain has grown along with it. This phenomenon is baffling, how can a material grow like a being? Why hasn't the chain broken yet?
Although there is a board there, one can easily miss this tree. It is situated right on NH766, Lakkidi, Kunnathidavaka.

After listening to this story, we went and witnessed the phenomenon ourselves. There are so many vivid haunted stories in India. It made me wonder if it is true or is just another folklore. Then again isn't that the point of travelling, we go to a new place, learn new things and be better version of ourselves.
In your next visit to Wayand, just stop along the highway and offer your prayer.