Kodaikanal known as "Princess of hill stations" is a popular hill station in south India.Visiting Kodai is like an annual pilgrimage to mother nature..Coaker's walk, suicide point, Kodai lake, Pine forests,Bryant Park are the common places of attraction. But there are some less traveled places in Kodai mainly hippie hideouts.This places will literally astonish you.you need to come here to feel that vibe.

Vattaikanal is a small village located 3 kms from kodaikanal town.It was a hippie hideout, but loosing its hippie nature due to rapid commercialization.The Local's here call Vattakanal as "Little Israel" ,coz lotz of Israeli travelers comes here during winter and usually stay for months. Vattakanal is a small village and basically nothing much to do here but ideal for lazy laid back vacations and also paradise for nature lovers.it is counted among top 25 biodiversity hotspots globally.Many rare and endangered plants and animals are found here. Bisons can be easily spotted here.The views from this hills are breath taking.The stay options are very limited in vattakanal. Rooms are usually charged per head. charges varies from Rs.300 to 700per head during season and as low as Rs 200 per head.For long term visitors, houses are available for monthly rent(Rs.4000-6000) . Once you reach here,never forget to make a walk to Dolphin nose and Echo point.Its a bit longer walk and you need a pair of sturdy shoes to keep on ground.don't get frightened to see Bisons on the way,they are friendly and basically don't attack.
Another untouched heaven"Berijam" 30 kms ride from Kodaikanal town. This place is less traveled and now a restricted one.You need to get a permission from Kodai forest Department to enter here and visit is time bounded and you need to return by 3 pm. Berijam caught the attraction of artists, nature lovers, musicians and tourists.The lake is a source of pure natural mountain water.Its deep inside the forest and far away from civilization.civilization. Munnar another famous hill station in Kerala is around 40 kms from Berijam.There is also a trekking route through forest to Munnar which takes 3 days.There is a dormitory in Berijam which is a base for trekkers.