So as part of my prolonged journey of exploring the untouched lands, hidden gems of Gods own country Kerala. I spotted out one of the off beat view points where human footprints are really low. Sathram view point. Well sathram in malayalam means a place to rest in between travel or an INN. As the name says this place pose itself as a magnificent nature's inn which can be defined in one word "serene"

You are a 9 to 5 job person hustling through work home and traffic crowd, this same exhausting routine is toxic and you know its killing you physically and mentally bit by bit, but what can we do about it, the most simplest and commonly adapted exit strategy is to go for short break into the nature. Well SATHRAM is your apt exit point to serenity from the rat race life. Here you will be catching cold breezes of mountains, laying in green grass meadows on top looking a clouds sailing in infinite sea of blue sky no horns honking no dead lines to meet no worries just you your soul nature

Every good things happens those who waits, well in the case of travellers who seek Sathram good things happens to people who under go a very good off road session, cause reaching satram have to under go some serious off road terrain, jeep, 4x4 vehicles and bikes are suitable for the uneven terrain. Well if you ask me I like to travel by bike and this off road bike experience was cherry on top. Sathram is situated in Idukki district 25 km away from kuttikanam and its 18 km from thekkady. I had my route from kuttikanam paraunthumpara and then mount sathram
Some pointers
Do fuel lavishly
Have some liquid cash
As its harsh off road make sure your vehicle is in good condition
Sathram is really an isolated place on mountain top

As an add on bonus from off road experience we have parunthunpara on route to sathram and is one of the major view points in this locale

So that was all about the sathram a place that can be defined as meeting of mountains. I had a one day trip, a worthy break from rat race life