Grahan is located in kasol, himachal Pradesh. Took bus from Manali to Kasol. It was around 75km from manali to kasol and the public bus took 6 hours. But those 6 hours are worth travelling. Beautiful way, monsoon time and bright green trees with sound of parvati river all the way along. There are also direct buses from Delhi to Kasol an over night journey and Visa versa. Reached kasol at around 6 in the evening. Check inn to home stays which provide you at very cheap cost. 500/- per day. Maybe it rises at season time (may -june). I went in September mid (monsoon).

For the trek I will suggest you to leave your trek bag in the home stay and carry a small bag with essentials. People at home stays keep your trek bag for Rs.20/- a day and will keep it safe. You dont have to give money for the room. Just 20 bucks per day for your stuff.
I started the trek at 10 A.M. grahan is next mountain from the main road of kasol. The trek goes with the river . After starting the trek you will surround your self with parvati river on one side and giant mountain on other side which is full of trees and birds noises. After around 1.5km the way you are walking it ended and u will see river infront of you. It took half an hour for me to judge the way which is over the big rock on your right. Continue walking will lead you to water fall which is mesmerizing and cold. After walking a while there is a bridge which you have to cross and that mountain will lead you to grahan village.

You will find yourself in peace and silence. As it was monsoon so it was beautiful all around. Clouds, sunlight, mountains, trees, water and birds what else can describe a perfect trek. After around 2-3 km you will be surrounded by mountains on both the sides and you are walking in between of two mountains which are full of trees and waterfalls. There will be one cafe on the way where you can eat and chill for a while. Just like every other people I also love maggie. All the way you will find sings of grahan village directing you the directions.
At a point there will be 2 ways to reach grahan
1. Tough way but short one.
2. Through pulga(also a village next to grahan) easy way but long one.
So I decided to take the tough way to see what it is tough about and I thanked god for choosing that way. It was heavenly, open from all the sides and I was actually climbing a mountain and that was terrific.

I continued and reached on the top of a mountain at 4 P.M where I found beautiful homes which provide home stays at very reasonable price. I took the room for 500/- for 2 nights 3 days. Isnt that awesome. The home stay is very neat and clean and crafted very well. It started raining and then I realized it is the best time to roam around the village and there are 3 waterfall in grahan.
Rama bhaiya gave me food and I again started my journey to roam around the village. The village is not big. It is a very tiny village with around 50-60 houses and many of them provide home stays at very reasonable price. I roamed in the streets of grahan village and felt so relaxing and quite.
Just the sound of rain and magistoc view from the mountains.

I came to my home stay at around 8. I had dinner and Rama bhaiya burned fire and we all sat next to the fire listening to slow music and enjoying.
Some people only stay for 1 day including trek day which is very hectic. So I will suggest you to stay for 2 days so you can see sunrise, see kids going to school , cattels gazing , birds chirping, talking to village people, eating there basic food , enjoying on rain near waterfall and many more things which can only be felt.
At night I decided not to sleep in the cozy rooms but instead will sleep in open in the courtyard. So in the morning I witnessed sunrise for a while and again it started raining. That was very beautiful to see such beauty.
Next morning I decided to visit the school and engage with people and will eat the local food. I wanted to eat corn so with Rama bhaiya I went into the kheeet and pull some fresh corns for me and there were also rajma plant , we also plucked rajma for lunch. It was another experience of eating directly from kheeet which totally organic and tastes yummmm.
Then I rested for a while and then I went to a open space in the mountain and sat for hours enjoying the weather and nature. It gets dark early in mountains . So better to come on time to your home stay because village does not have much lights. I again slept in open. It was cold so I took 2 blankets.

Next morning after eating breakfast I started trekking down and decided to take the long way to see what lies there. It was a normal long way and gradually ends up on the same way of trekking up towards grahan.
It was an amazing experience to the place which is not populated as I am from Delhi so I value these things.