An unplanned trip to Shimla

26th Mar 2020

I reached at my friend's place in Zirakpur in evening. We have plan for a road trip to tirthan valley but due bad weather conditions we decided to cancel it for this time.
Now what to do?
He suggested to stay in the city n enjoy watching movies and clubbing.But I really don't wanna spoil my weekend watching movies n clubbing instead of traveling in mountains.
So we decided to visit Kasauli in the morning just to cheer me up.

Day 1

We woke up lazily in the morning around 10:00am and got ready for kasauli. My friend brought a new car 7 months ago, so he wanted to drive for a bit to  experience the driving in mountains for the very 1st time. We started driving. It was drizzling all the way. We stopped by for breakfast(pic attached) n started driving again towards kasauli.

We were discussing all the way that v can go to shimla too. There came a diversion on the road. I was on call and he asked me "should we take the diversion or take a turn to the left". I pointed towards diversion.

After 2 hours of driving he started asking me " kasauli was never too far". I was looking at his face little surprised that kasauli left 1 hour behind bro and he was like you must be kidding.😅 At that time we were going to reach solan. We both were looking at each other and then finally we have decided to go to shimla.

We reach shimla by 3.00pm. After parking our car, we took lift to reach mall road. As we were hungry, we stopped by a bakery to grab something. There we ate KURKEJ, the speciality of shimla(pic attached). That was a veg snacks and super yum. We booked a hotel and started exploring the ridge and lakadh bazar. Then we went towards the Churuch. But unfortunately it was closed by that time. But luckily we found a restaurant nearby it to enjoy our evening as it started raining. We enjoyed in that restaurant for few hours and then at 9.30pm we left for our room. It was still drizzling, but now it was enjoyable. Although it was too cold.

Day 2

We woke by 7:00am in the morning and at that time the temperature was -1°c . It can be clearly seen that the upper mountains got fresh snowfall last night.Then we started driving towards Jhaku temple and had breakfast on our way. It was a beautiful temple but yeah be aware of monkeys there. They will snatch your spex, goggles and the parshad for sure. Then we decide to take a drive towards mashobra village which was 7 kms from there. It was a beautiful small village. There we witnessed fresh snowfall of last night. We relaxed a bit there and after that started driving towards home. Its was enjoyable trip though it was a unplanned!

Breakfast on 1st day

Photo of An unplanned trip to Shimla by Abhishek Pawa

View from the restaurant in eve

Photo of An unplanned trip to Shimla by Abhishek Pawa

Reaching the mall

Photo of An unplanned trip to Shimla by Abhishek Pawa


Photo of An unplanned trip to Shimla by Abhishek Pawa

Jakhu temple

Photo of An unplanned trip to Shimla by Abhishek Pawa

Getting clicked in the nature

Photo of An unplanned trip to Shimla by Abhishek Pawa

The ridge

Photo of An unplanned trip to Shimla by Abhishek Pawa

I ♥️Shimla

Photo of An unplanned trip to Shimla by Abhishek Pawa

Exploring ridge

Photo of An unplanned trip to Shimla by Abhishek Pawa


Photo of An unplanned trip to Shimla by Abhishek Pawa


Photo of An unplanned trip to Shimla by Abhishek Pawa


Photo of An unplanned trip to Shimla by Abhishek Pawa


Photo of An unplanned trip to Shimla by Abhishek Pawa